April, 1998
NAME: John A. Ogren
BORN: 30 September 1952, Troy, New York, USA
1975 BS Harvey Mudd College Engineering
1975 ME Harvey Mudd College Engineering
(Thesis: The contribution of the stratosphere to ozone levels in the Los Angeles basin)
1983 PhD University of Washington Civil Engineering
(Dissertation: Elemental carbon in the atmosphere)
1974-1975 Henry T. Mudd Fellowship
1975 Graduation with distinction and departmental honors
1977-1980 National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship
1981 Valle Scandinavian Exchange Program Scholarship
1975-1977 Research Engineer, Meteorology Research, Inc., Altadena, California
1978-1982 Research Assistant, Civil Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle,
1983-1985 Research Associate, Department of Meteorology, University of Stockholm, Sweden
1985-1989 Research Assistant Professor (oavlönad docent), Department of Meteorology,
University of Stockholm, Sweden
1989-1991 Associate Professor (högskolelektor), Department of Meteorology, University of
Stockholm, Sweden
1991- Physical Scientist, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Climate
Monitoring and Diagnostics Laboratory, Boulder, Colorado
1994- Affiliate Faculty, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, Colorado State University,
Ft. Collins, Colorado
1. J.A. Ogren, J. Heintzenberg, and R.J. Charlson, "Virtual Impactor", U.S. Patent No. 4,689,052, 1987.
1. J. A. Anderson and J. A. Ogren, "Data Processing Techniques for Accuracy of
Aircraft Sampling", Proceedings of the Air Pollution Control Association Specialty
Conference on Air Pollution Measurement Accuracy as it Relates to Regulation Compliance,
New Orleans, 26-28 October, 1975.
2. J. A. Ogren, D. L. Blumenthal and W. H. White, "Study of Ozone Formation in Power
Plant Plumes", Proceedings of the Air Pollution Control Association Specialty
Conference on Ozone/Oxidants: Interactions with the Total Environment, Dallas, 10-12 March
3. J. A. Ogren and T. B. Smith, "Airborne Sulfate Measurements in the Vicinity of
the Mohave Power Plant", MRI 76 FR-1422a, Meteorology Research, Inc., Altadena,
California, 1976.
4. J. A. Ogren, D. L. Blumenthal, W. H. White, T. W. Tesche, M. A. Yoche and M. K. Liu,
"Determination of the Feasibility of Ozone Formation in Power Plant Plumes",
EPRI EA-307, Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, California, 1976.
5. T. W. Tesche, J. A. Ogren and D. L. Blumenthal, "Ozone Concentrations in Power
Plant Plumes: Comparison of Models and Sampling Data", Proceedings of the
International Conference on Photochemical Oxidant Pollution and Its Control (September,
1976), EPA-600/3-77-001a, U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park,
North Carolina, 1977.
6. J. A. Ogren, D. L. Blumenthal and A. H. Vanderpol, "Oxidant Measurements in
Western Power Plant Plumes", EPRI EA-421, Electric Power Research Institute, Palo
Alto, California, 1977.
7. T. B. Smith, J. A. Ogren, J. A. Anderson and P. R. Harrison, "Aerosol Plume
Studies at the Mohave Power Plant", MRI 77 R-1487, Meteorology Research, Inc.,
Altadena, California, 1977.
8. J. A. Ogren, D. L. Blumenthal and W. H. White, "Pollutant Measurements in Plumes
from Power Plants and Cities", EPA-600/7-78-041, U. S. Environmental Protection
Agency, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, 1978.
9. J. A. Ogren, J. A. Anderson and D. L. Blumenthal, "Midwest Interstate Sulfur
Transformation and Transport Project: Aerial Measurements of Urban and Power Plant Plumes,
July 1976", MRI 78 FR-1586, Meteorology Research, Inc., Altadena, California, 1978.
10. E. S. Macias, D. L. Blumenthal, J. A. Anderson, J. A. Ogren, B. K. Cantrell, and D. J.
Shadoan, "Measurements of Size Distribution, Chemical Composition and Sources of
Visibility Reducing Aerosols in the Southwestern U.S.", presented before the Division
of Environmental Chemistry, American Chemical Society, Honolulu, Hawaii, April 1-6, 1979.
11. R. J. Charlson, J. A. Ogren, and R. H. Gammon, Review of Book, "Chemical
Compounds in the Atmosphere", by T. E. Graedel, Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc. 61,
488-489, 1980.
12. J. A. Ogren, R. J. Charlson and D. S. Covert, "Comments on the Relative
Contribution of Fluctuations in Relative Humidity and Particulate Concentrations to the
Variability of the Scattering Coefficient over the North Atlantic", Atmos.
Environ. 15, 415, 1981.
13. J. A. Ogren, Review of "A Handbook to Estimate Climatological Concentration,
Deposition and Horizontal Fluxes of Pollutants on a Regional Scale" by L. Machta, Water
Air Soil Poll. 15, 389, 1981.
14. J. A. Ogren, "Wet Deposition of Elemental Carbon in Sweden", presented at
NOSA Aerosol Symposium, Studsvik, Sweden, 22-23 November 1983.
15. J. Heintzenberg and J. A. Ogren, comment on "An Assessment of the Impact of
Pollution on Global Cloud Albedo", Tellus 37B, 308-309, 1985.
16. J. Heintzenberg, H.-C. Hansson, J. A. Ogren, D. S. Covert, and J.-P. Blanchet,
"Physical and Chemical Properties of Arctic Aerosols and Clouds", in Arctic
Air Pollution (ed. B. Stonehouse), Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, U.K., 25-35,
17. H.-C. Hansson, J. Heintzenberg, L. Asking, E. Swietlicki, and J.A. Ogren,
"Combined sampling and analytical methodology for the investigation of the
atmospheric aerosol." In Aerosols: Formation and Reactivity. Proc. 2nd Int
Aerosol Conf. in Berlin, Pergammon, Oxford, 1986.
18. J. Heintzenberg, H.-C. Hansson, J.A. Ogren, and S.-Å. Odh, "A baseline aerosol
monitoring station for near-unattended operation.". In Aerosols: Formation and
Reactivity. Proc. 2nd Int Aerosol Conf. in Berlin, Pergammon, Oxford, 1986.
19. J.A. Ogren, J. Heintzenberg, A. Zuber, H.-C. Hansson, K.J. Noone, D.S. Covert, and
R.J. Charlson. Measurements of the short-term variability of aqueous-phase
mass-concentrations in cloud droplets. In Acid Deposition Processes At High Elevation
Sites (eds. M.H. Unsworth and D. Fowler), Kluwer Academic Publ., pp.125-137, 1988.
20. J. Heintzenberg and J.A. Ogren, "The present knowledge of atmospheric
transparency in the visible due to aerosols: Variability in space and time," Proc.
Int. Meeting on Atmospheric Transparency for Satellite Application, Capri, Italy, 15-19
September 1986.
21. J. Heintzenberg, L. Gärdneus, and J. Ogren, "Size Distribution of trace
substances in cloud droplets: A new application of optical particle sizing,"
presented at Int. Symp. on "Optical Particle Sizing: Theory and Practice,"
Rouen, France, 12-15 May 1987.
22. J. Ogren, J. Heintzenberg, and K. Noone. "Measurements of the Partitioning of
Particle Mass and Number between Cloud Droplets and Interstitial Air," Annalen der
Meteorologie 25, 34-36, 1988.
23. K.J. Noone, J. A. Ogren, and J. Heintzenberg. "An Examination of the Chemical and
Physical Variability of Clouds at a Mountain-top Site in Central Sweden", Annalen
der Meteorologie 25, 282-284, 1988.
24. J. A. Ogren and R. J. Charlson, Comment on "A Theoretical Study of the Wet
Removal of Atmospheric Pollutants. Part I and II", J. Atmos. Sci. 46,
1867-1869, 1989.
25. J.A. Ogren, "Partitioning of H2O2 in Clouds," presented at the Nordic
Symposium on Atmospheric Chemistry, Stockholm/Helsinki, December 1989.
26. K.J. Noone, J.A. Ogren, K.B. Johansson, A. Hallberg, S. Fuzzi, and J.A. Lind,
"Hydrogen Peroxide Partitioning in Ambient Clouds," Proc. EUROTRAC Symposium
'90, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, F.R.G, April 1990.
27. A. Hallberg, J.A. Ogren, and K.J. Noone, "Aerosol Partitioning In- and
Out-of-Fog," Proc. EUROTRAC Symposium '90, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, F.R.G, April 1990.
28. J.A. Ogren, "Partitioning of H2O2 in Clouds," presented at the CACGP
Symposium in Chamrousse, France, September, 1990.
29. J.A. Ogren and J. Heintzenberg, "Parametric Aerosol Sampling at Low Concentration
Levels," Report AA-1, International Meteorological Institute in Stockholm, 1990.
30. Heintzenberg, J., Ogren, J. A., Odh, S.-Å., Bäcklin, L., and Danielsen, T. (1991).
The MISU baseline station (Report AA-02). International Meteorological Institute in
Stockholm, Department of Meteorology, Stockholm University.
31. Heintzenberg, J., Holmén, K., Odh, S.-Å., and Ogren, J. A. (1991). Air monitoring in
the Arctic 1979-1990. Swedish Environmental Protection Agency.
32. Ogren, J., Noone, K., Hallberg, A., Heintzenberg, J., and Okada, K. (1991).
Interactions between aerosol particles and clouds . EUROTRAC Annual Report 1990, p. 37-44.
33. Noone, B., Heintzenberg, J., Noone, K., Ogren, J., and Ström, J. (1991).
CVI-measurements during ICE-89. In R. W. Saunders and P. R. A. Brown (Ed.), Fourth
Workshop, International Cirrus Experiment/European Cloud Radiation Experiment (pp. 10-12).
Reading, UK.
34. Ogren, J. A., Bodhaine, B. A., Harris, J. M. and Hofmann, D. J. 1991. Detection of
Kuwait smoke particles at Mauna Loa Observatory. Eos, Trans. Am. Geophys. Union,
October 29, 1991.
35. Noone, K. J., Hallberg, A., Heintzenberg, J., Svenningsson, B., Hansson, H.-C.,
Wiedensohler, A. and Ogren, J. A. 1992. Size-dependent scavenging efficiencies of aerosol
particles in a polluted fog. Proc. 11th International Conference on Clouds and
Precipitation, August 17-21, 1992, Montreal, Canada.
36. Ström, J., Heintzenberg, J., Noone, K.J., Noone, K.B., Ogren, J.A., Albers, F. and
Quante, M. 1992. CVI measurements on small crystals in cirrus clouds. Proc. 11th
International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation, August 17-21, 1992, Montreal,
37. Penner, J.E., Charlson, R.J., Hales, J.M., Laulainen, N., Leifer, R., Novakov, T.,
Ogren, J., Radke, L.F., Schwartz, S.E. and Travis, L. 1993. Quantifying and minimizing
uncertainty of climate forcing by anthropogenic aerosols. U.S. Department of Energy report
DOE/NBB-0092T, March, 1993.
38. Langner, J., T.S. Bates, R.J. Charlson, A.D. Clarke, P.A. Durkee, J. Gras, J.
Heintzenberg, D.J. Hofmann, B. Huebert, C. Leck, J. Lelieveld, J.A. Ogren, J. Prospero,
P.K. Quinn, H. Rodhe, and A.G. Ryaboshapko. 1993. The global atmospheric sulfur cycle: A
comparison of the MOGUNTIA model predictions with observations. Department of Meteorology,
Stockholm University, International Meteorological Institute in Stockholm, Report CM-81.
39. Noone, K.J., Ogren, J.A., Hallberg, A., Svenningsson, B., Hansson, H.-C.,
Wiedensohler, A., Okada, K. and Heintzenberg, J. 1994. The influence of aerosol particle
composition on cloud droplet nucleation. Proc. Conf. on Atmos. Chem., Amer. Meteor. Soc.,
January 23-28, 1994, Nashville, U.S.A.
40. Ogren, J.A., Bodhaine, B.A., and Forbes, G.L. 1994. Control of the wavelength
dependence of aerosol light scattering by the ratio of coarse to fine particles. Proc.
Fourth Int. Aerosol Conf., Aug. 29 - Sept. 2, 1994, Los Angeles, U.S.A.
41. Wang, T., Carroll, M.A., Alber, G.M., Markevitch, A., Owens, K.R., Duderstadt, K.A.,
Marsik, F., Parrish, D.D., Holloway, J., Fehsenfeld, F.C., Ogren, J.A., Forbes, G., Blake,
N., Blake, D.R., Merrill, J.T., and Moody, J.L. 1994. Ground-based measurements of NOx and
total reactive nitrogen (NOy) at Sable Island, Nova Scotia during the NARE 1993 summer
intensive. Eos, Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 75, Nov. 1, 1994, paper A11B-8.
42. Carroll, M.A., Wang, T., Alber, G.M., Duderstadt, K.A., Sillman, M.S., Markevitch, A.,
Owens, K.R., Marsik, F., Parrish, D.D., Holloway, J., Fehsenfeld, F.C., Ogren, J.A.,
Forbes, G., Blake, N., Blake, D.R., Merrill, J.T., and Moody, J.L. 1994. The local
photochemical environment and ozone production and loss at Sable Island, Nova Scotia,
derived from measurements made during the NARE 1993 summer intensive. Eos, Trans. Am.
Geophys. Union, 75, Nov. 1, 1994, paper A31B-7.
43. Quinn, P.K., Zenker, C.E., Ogren, J.A., Covert, D.S., and Marshall, S.F. 1994. Sulfate
scattering to mass ratios at two mid-latitude northern hemisphere sites Eos, Trans. Am.
Geophys. Union, 75, Nov. 1, 1994, paper A41D-2.
44. Ogren, J.A. and Sheridan, P.J. 1996. Vertical and horizontal variability of aerosol
single scattering albedo and hemispheric backscatter fraction over the United States.
Proc. 14th Int. Conf. Nucleation and Atmos. Aerosols, Helsinki, Finland.
45. Brechtel, F.J., Kreidenweis, S.M., and Ogren, J.A. 1996. Observations of the
volatility of the ambient aerosol at a remote mid-latitude mountain site. J. Geophys.
Res., submitted.
1. "Measurements of the absorption coefficient of stratospheric aerosols",
NASA Langley Laboratory, Langley, VA, USA, November 1978.
2. "The atmospheric cycle of elemental carbon", Department of Meteorology,
University of Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden, May 1981.
3. "Measurements of the absorption coefficient of stratospheric aerosols",
Department of Meteorology, University of Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden, May 1981.
4. "Factors controlling the atmospheric cycle of elemental carbon", Department
of Meteorology, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA, February 1982.
5. "Deposition of elemental carbon in Sweden", Department of Meteorology,
University of Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden, September 1982.
6. "The atmospheric cycle of elemental carbon", Pacific Northwest Laboratory,
Battelle Research Institute, Richland, WA, USA, December 1982.
7. "The atmospheric cycle of elemental carbon", Brookhaven National Laboratory,
Brookhaven, NY, USA, January 1983.
8. "The atmospheric cycle of elemental carbon", Department of Meteorology,
Johannes Gutenburg University, Mainz, West Germany, May 1985.
9. "Measurements of the Size Dependence of Non-Volatile Materials in Cloud
Droplets," Department of Meteorology, University of Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden,
January 1987.
10. "Chemical Composition of Clouds", European Science Foundation Symposium on
Cloud Chemistry, Cambridge, U.K., July 1987.
11. "Theory and Measurement of the Size Dependence of Non-Volatile Materials in Cloud
Droplets", Department of Nuclear Physics, Lund Institute of Technology, Lund, Sweden,
May 1988.
12. "What's Happening in the Clouds?", Swedish Royal Institute of Engineering
Sciences, Stockholm, Sweden, December 1988.
13. "The Physics and Chemistry of Clouds", Nordic Researcher's Course, Oppheim,
Norway, June 1989.
14. "EUROTRAC Subproject GCE: A Summary", EUROTRAC Symposium '90,
Garmisch-Partenkirchen, F.R.G, April 1990.
15. "An insider's view of cloud droplets", National Center for Atmospheric
Research, Boulder, CO, U.S.A., July 1990.
16. "Measurements of the size-dependence of the scavenging efficiency of aerosol
particles in fog", NOAA Aeronomy Laboratory, Boulder, CO, U.S.A., December 1991.
17. "Measurements of the size-dependence of the scavenging efficiency of aerosol
particles in fog", NOAA Climate Monitoring and Diagnostics Laboratory, Boulder, CO,
U.S.A., January, 1992.
18. "Measurements of the size-dependence of the concentration of non-volatile
material in fog droplets," University of Rhode Island, February, 1992.
19. "Measurements of the size-dependence of the scavenging efficiency of aerosol
particles in fog", University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, April, 1992.
20. "Measurements of the size-dependence of the scavenging efficiency of aerosol
particles in fog", Colorado State University, October, 1992.
21. "Size-resolved measurements of aerosol light scattering at Sable Island,
Canada," Department of Meteorology, University of Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden,
January 1993.
22. "Climate forcing by anthropogenic aerosols: The Sable Island connection",
Atlantic Regional Office, Atmospheric Environment Service, Canada, July 1993. Also
presented at Sable Island Upper Air Station, Canada, July 1993.
23. "Control of the wavelength dependence of aerosol light scattering by the ratio of
coarse to fine particles," Institute for Tropospheric Research, Leipzig, Germany, May
24. "Aerosol forcing of climate," University of Veszprem, Veszprem, Hungary, May
25. "Aerosol forcing of climate," Institute for Atmospheric Physics, Hungarian
Meteorological Service, Budapest, Hungary, May 1994.
26. "Climate forcing by atmospheric aerosols: NOAA's monitoring program,"
Hydrometeorological Institute of Slovenia, Ljubljana, Slovenia, February 1995.
27. "Climate forcing by atmospheric aerosols: NOAA's monitoring program,"
Department of Fundamental and Experimental Physics, University of La Laguna, Spain, March
28. "Monitoring aerosol intensive properties for use with climate models,"
Gordon Conference on Atmospheric Chemistry, Newport, Rhode Island, June 1995.
29. "Monitoring aerosol intensive properties for use with climate models,"
Department of Meteorology, University of Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden, September, 1996.
30. "Measurements of the climate forcing properties of atmospheric aerosols,"
Center for Atmospheric Sciences, University of Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico, January, 1998.
Hallberg, A. Department of Meteorology, University of Stockholm, Sweden, 1988-1994.
Principal adviser, Ph.D awarded 1994.
Gonzalez Jorge, H. Department of Fundamental and Experimental Physics, University of La
Laguna, Spain, 1994-present. Co-adviser, Ph.D. in progress.
Brechtel, F. Department of Atmospheric Science, Colorado State University, U.S.A.,
1994-present. Member of Ph.D committee.
Bergin, M. U.S. Department of Energy Global Change Postdoctoral Fellowship, 1995-97.
Research co-adviser.
McInnes, L. U.S. National Research Council Postdoctoral Associate, 1995-97. Research
EUROTRAC Committee of Subproject Coordinators, 1987-1991.
IGAC Multiphase Atmospheric Chemistry activity, coordinating committee, 1989-1995.
IAMAP Commission on Clouds and Precipitation, 1988-1996.
WMO/GAW Aerosol Science Advisory Group, 1991-present
U.S. DOE/ARM Aerosol Working Group, 1992-1993
U.S. National Research Council, Board on Atmospheric Sciences and Climate, Panel on
Aerosol Radiative Forcing and Climate Change, 1993-1996.
AMS Committee on Atmospheric Chemistry, 1994-1997
NASA FIRE-III Drafting Panel, 1994
Center for Clouds, Chemistry and Climate, External Advisory Panel Member, 1994-
IGAC Focus on Atmospheric Aerosols, Direct Radiative Forcing activity, co-convener, 1995-
American Geophysical Union.
American Association for Aerosol Research.