GAW SAG-Aerosol Action Items
Last update: 2014-04-30
AI2012-38 Distribute a draft of RRR "white paper" on science requirements for ground-based aerosol measurements to SAG members for comments (Lead AB, Team SK, NS, THP) Draft sent to co-authors on 2014-12-10 2015-06-30 2013-11-30
AI2012-44a GAW Report #153 Update: First draft
Chapter 1: Introduction: (PL,SK)
Chapter 2: Sampling and inlets: (AW)
Chapter 3: Chemical measurements: (SML, JL, PQ)
Chapter 4: Optical properties: (JO, AP)
Chapter 5. Number concentration and size distribution: (AW)
Chapter 6. CCN: (Martin Gysel, SAG contact is AW)
Chapter 7. AOD: (SKa, SK)
Chapter 8. Lidar: (GP, NS)
Chapter 9. Data archiving: (MF)
2015-04-25 status: MF needs to finish draft of new chapters for GAW#153 Update, other authors (PL, AW, GP, SKa, JO, SML) need to review old and new chapters to confirm that no important text from old version has been overlooked in the new version. 2015-05-31 2013-06-30
AI2014-37 JO to distribute the complete draft GAW#153 Update to SAG. 2015-06-14 2014-07-15
AI2012-44b GAW Report #153 Update: Comments by ALL SAG members (ALB,AB,MF,SK,SKa,SWK,HM,PL,SML,JL,JO,GP,AP,THP,PQ,NS,AW) 2015-06-30 2013-09-30
AI2012-44c GAW Report #153 Update: Revised Chapters to JO. (PL,AW,SML,JO,AP,SKa,SK,GP,NS,MF) 2015-09-01 2013-10-31
AI2012-44d GAW Report #153 Update: Integration of final chapters. JO 2015-09-15 2013-11-22
AI2012-44e GAW Report #153 Update: Submission of final draft to WMO. JO 2015-09-21 2013-11-30
AI2012-47 Prepare next GAW Aerosol Bulletin on the topic of Volcanic Ash Aerosols. GP (lead), UB (in-situ). 2015-04-24 2013-12-31
AI2014-08 NS to contact SKYNET about becoming a contributing network 2015-04-24 2014-04-30
AI2014-09 MF to provide information for bulk downloads from WDCA and advertise availability on WDCA web page 2015-04-24 2014-05-31
AI2014-15 SML to provide a report about the Canadian experience with SP2s to SAG and formulate a roadmap for future operability at GAW stations. 2015-04-24 2014-06-30
AI2014-16 Each SOP author (JO✓, SML) to provide a written checklist for instrument operators from the SOP for every given instrument, in electronic form. This form could then be put online on the World Data Centers webpages to be filled by instrument operators on a voluntary base. 2015-04-24 2014-09-30
AI2014-17 AW to provide an electronic checklist for CPCs and SMPS (currently no SOPs). 2015-04-24 2014-09-30
AI2014-20 SKa to produce a checklist for PFR in electronic form to be sent to AW 2015-04-24 2014-05-31
AI2014-25 PL to send draft of the book chapter ("Measuring Aerosol in Situ and Remote Sensing" in Atmospheric Aerosols: life cycles and effects on air quality) to SAG and ask for contributions, if there is an interest 2015-04-24 2014-04-30
AI2014-27 UB to provide an ACSM SOP. 2015-04-24 2014-08-30
AI2015-01 PL to bring up the fact with GAW SSC that there is a discrepancy between becoming and remaining a global GAW site. The criteria should be the same. Must also clarify the procedure to apply 2015-04-24
AI2015-02 PL to recommend to SSC that the Italian stations should be accepted with the provision that their data will be submitted within a year of acceptance. 2015-04-24
AI2015-03 MF to contact Nicolas to say to submit data from BKT and PDI regardless of the RH problem 2015-04-24 2015-04-24
AI2015-04 PL to acknowledge through the web page, the work of the CATCOS project run by PSI in getting stations going;.a success story. 2015-04-24
AI2015-05 SKa to revise the existing letter to WMO representative for Switzerland to ask for funding, and send it to PL for review 2015-04-24
AI2015-06 PL will transmit this letter above to ALB to request to get a letter from WMO SG to PR to recommend support for GAWPFR network 2015-04-24
AI2015-07 SKa to visit and work with operators at Mace Head station and try to improve operations, then at next SAG if not improved then we will determine where to put it. Must tell them of this decision at the visit 2015-04-24
AI2015-08 PL to discuss with other SAGs the issue of what is important in the definition of a global site. 2015-04-24
AI2015-09 PL to remind the SSC of the requirements that already exist on the SAG-Aerosol website for a global station, in the form of a letter possibly 2015-04-24
AI2015-10 PL to extract relevant research papers from ACTRIS website for the RRR document, and provide to AP 2015-04-24
AI2015-11a AP to submit draft GCOS in-situ proposal to SAG (formerly AI2012-37). Lead AP, Team: AP, PL, MF, AW, GP, SKa. 2015-04-30 2015-04-24 2015-04-30
AI2015-11b SAG submit comments on draft GCOS in-situ proposal. Lead AP, Team: AP, PL, MF, AW, GP, SKa 2015-05-31 2015-04-24
AI2015-11c AP to submit GCOS proposal for in-situ network to GCOS. 2015-09-30 2015-04-24
AI2015-12 PL, AP, HM to prepare a recommendation to be sent to secretariat to have WMO meetings/sessions in other regions for GAW activities, like in China, India , etc. 2015-04-24
AI2015-13 PL and HM to formulate a recommendation letter for WMO to send a letter to China to get access to the regional GAW aerosol data. Use the CO2 data submission as an example 2015-04-24
AI2015-14 PL to send a letter to SPARTAN through WMO saying for now we cannot say anything about being contributor to GAW because we are lacking info on data quality. Recommend them to be involved in inter-comparison exercises at WCC at their expense before we can comment on their contributor status. 2015-04-24
AI2015-15 PL and AB to re-nominate AB to be our representative and inform WMO that an additional person may also participate in RRR 2015-04-24
AI2015-16 PL to distribute the ACTRIS draft protocol for OC/EC to Lin Huang 2015-04-24
AI2015-17 JL to talk to UB and A Prevot about ACSM and ask their opinion on ACSM. Read their SOP and draw input from Env Canada. Come up with a recommendation for #153 document about ACSM. 2015-05-22 2015-04-24
AI2015-18 THP to report back to AB that the SAG needs more time to review RRR list. Summer is not realistic. 2015-04-24 2015-04-24
AI2015-19 JL to contact Richard Leaitch (Env Can.)and see what their intentions are for submitting ACSM data to GAW. 2015-04-24
AI2015-20 AW to tell MF from which Canadian stations to expect data on size distribution data once it is agreed upon 2015-04-24
AI2015-21 PL to contact Greg C. and see what he would like from SAGs for the SIP document, but also note that we need a more edited version for comment. 2015-04-24
AI2015-22 THP, MF, SK to comment on the SIP document and send comments to PL, who will merge comments and prepare a letter to Greg. 2015-05-29 2015-04-24
AI2015-23 PL to send a letter to Paulo Artaxo to push Manaus station for data and mention AeroCom initiative 2015-04-24
AI2015-24 MF to write up a summary for the two trend analysis papers to put on the WMO GAW homepage and also on the SAG homepage 2015-04-24
AI2015-25 GP to report status of bulletin #2, when will it be ready to go? 2015-04-24
AI2015-26 AP write text for bulletin #3 for BC; 1st pg - short intro to BC and challenges, pg 2 summary of recommendation paper (AP) and the connection to MAC values 2015-09-18 2015-04-24
AI2015-27 JL to talk to Sangeeta Sharma to get her to write the 3rd page of Bulletin 3; including trend papers and including Sangeeta's paper on arctic BC trends 2015-09-18 2015-04-24
AI2015-28 AW to write text for Bulletin #3 - 4th page how to interpret BC measurements, Instrument inter-comparison workshops, uncertainty in the measurements used to derive absorption coefficients. 2015-09-18 2015-04-24
AI2015-29 HM to check for opportunities for GAW aerosol session at AGOS meeting in July-Aug 2016 which will be in Beijing, China 2015-04-24
AI2015-30 MF to supply AW with email list for contacts of stations that actually submit data. 2015-04-24
AI2015-31 AW to send out emails to all GAW site contacts received from MF to send instruments to calibration workshop. Mention there are limited funds and capacity 2015-04-24
AI2015-32 PL to contact SWK and see if he is willing to host one year from now in Korea. 2015-05-29 2015-04-24
AI2015-33 ALB to send Singapore contact to PL to see if they will host or at least give PL feedback after contacting them himself 2015-04-24
AI2015-34 AP to write a 1-2 page summary about the "Gold Medal" award for the BC recommendations paper and send to ALB for posting on the GAW home page 2015-05-22 2015-04-24