GAW SAG-Aerosol Action Items
Last update: 2014-04-02
AI2012-07 AW to put on the descriptions of inlet designs of GAW on WCCAP web page by March 30, 2013. Use ACTRIS inlet description, add description of NOAA turbulent inlet. AW send draft to JO by 2013-09-30, JO reply by 2013-10-07, AW post on SAG website by 2013-10-14 2014-04-30 2013-03-30
AI2012-08 UB and SML to write a draft response to CAS-XV request concerning organic aerosols. 2014-05-31 2013-03-01
AI2012-13 CW to get the updated Report 162 to AW to post on the website. 2014-04-30 2013-12-31
AI2012-15 UB, PL, SML will write a paragraph on SP2 for Report 153. 2014-06-29 2013-06-30
AI2012-19 AW to organize a working group to establish instrument uncertainties (JO, SML, AB, others). AW to call a meeting or conference call of working group. 2014-06-30 2013-10-31
AI2012-24 JO, AW, UB (to bring Ernest) to recommend a procedure for converting the old white-light AE to decide on method to calculate absorption coefficient and determine uncertainties. MF to include the recommendation on the WDCA webpage. Use comparisons with 7-wavelength aethalometer and PSAP. 2014-10-31 2013-12-31
AI2012-37 Write proposal for GCOS in-situ surface network for aerosol optical properties. Lead AP, Team: AP, PL, AW, GP, CW. Use the CO2 proposal as a template. 2014-06-30 2013-06-30
AI2012-38 Distribute a draft of RRR "white paper" on science requirements for ground-based aerosol measurements to SAG members for comments (Lead AB, Team SK, NS, JO, THP) 2014-09-30 2013-11-30
AI2012-39 SK, THP, AB, AW to prepare a list of value added products requirement/needs of aerosol properties needed by models and satellite. Send the requirement to MF WDCA and the data providers to generate such products. Requests for WDCA products must be based on data that are archived at WDCA. 2014-05-15 2013-09-15
AI2012-44a GAW Report #153 Update: First draft
Chapter 1: Introduction: (PL,SK)
Chapter 2: Sampling and inlets: (AW)
Chapter 3: Chemical measurements: (SML, UB)
Chapter 4: Optical properties: (JO, AP)
Chapter 5. Number concentration and size distribution: (AW)
Chapter 6. CCN: (Anne Jefferson, Martin Gysel, SAG contacts are JO and UB)
Chapter 7. AOD: (CW, SK)
Chapter 8. Lidar: (GP, NS)
Chapter 9. Data archiving: (MF)
2014-04-02 status: SML, JO, MF need to finish draft of new chapters for GAW#153 Update, other authors (PL, AW, GP, CW) need to review old and new chapters to confirm that no important text from old version has been overlooked in the new version. 2014-06-30 2013-06-30
AI2012-44b GAW Report #153 Update: Comments by ALL SAG members (ALB,AB,MF,SK,PL,SML,JO,GP,AP,THP,NS,CW,AW) 2014-09-30 2013-09-30
AI2012-44c GAW Report #153 Update: Revised Chapters to SAG Chair. (PL,AW,SML,JO,AP,CW,SK,GP,NS,MF). 2014-11-15 2013-10-31
AI2012-44d GAW Report #153 Update: Integration of final chapters. JO 2014-11-30 2013-11-22
AI2012-44e GAW Report #153 Update: Submission of final draft to WMO. JO 2014-12-15 2013-11-30
AI2012-47 Prepare next GAW Aerosol Bulletin on the topic of Volcanic Ash Aerosols. GP (lead), UB (in-situ). 2014-06-30 2013-12-31
AI2014-01 MF to make connection with GAW SAG-Precipitation Chemistry for round-robins for lab intercomparisons. MF to inform SAG on how precip round robins could be extended to aerosol msmts 2014-06-30 2014-06-30
AI2014-02 CW to identify the stations that should be submitting the PFR data and contact those not submitting the data to clarify the expectations concerning quality control 2014-04-30 2014-04-30
AI2014-03 MF to send list of users of NRT data to SAG 2014-04-30 2014-04-30
AI2014-04 MF, AB to inform SAG how the NRT data are used 2014-04-30 2014-04-30
AI2014-05 AB to ask users about their requirements for NRT data, and report back to SAG. 2014-06-30 2014-06-30
AI2014-06 Secretariat to do an inventory for all global stations to determine which stations are not reporting data (ALB, MF). ALB to arrange for a letter to be sent to those stations that do not meet the requirements to be global stations, advising that they do not meet the requirements to be called Òglobal stationsÓ. 2014-09-30 2014-09-30
AI2014-07 JO to contact SURFRAD about becoming a contributing network This Action Item is not needed, the SURFRAD stations are already registered as Regional GAW stations or as part of the BSRN Contributing Network 2014-03-01 2014-03-01 2014-03-01
AI2014-08 NS to contact SKYNET about becoming a contributing network - Network coordination Irai (check with NS) 2014-04-30 2014-04-30
AI2014-09 MF to provide information for bulk downloads from WDCA and advertise availability on WDCA web page 2014-05-31 2014-05-31
AI2014-10 MF, THP to prepare 2-page write-up on the outcome of WDCA participation in Aerosol CCI to inform the SAG 2014-05-31 2014-05-31
AI2014-11 MF to distribute the final list of proposed variable names to SAG 2014-04-30 2014-04-30
AI2014-12 ALB and AB to ask PANDA/MARCOPOLO to make a statement regarding the need for Chinese satellite data to be provided to WDC-RSAT 2014-04-30 2014-04-30
AI2014-13 AW to formulate a draft letter for ALB (Secretariat) to distribute to GAW aerosol stations, requesting that they have their instruments calibrated every two/three years at the WCCAP or at a workshop organized by the WCCAP. 2014-05-31 2014-05-31
AI2014-14 AW to contact operator of Izaña station in regards to the station audit report (change controversial sentence and make report public). 2014-04-30 2014-04-30
AI2014-15 SML to provide a report about the Canadian experience with SP2s to SAG and formulate a roadmap for future operability at GAW stations. 2014-06-30 2014-06-30
AI2014-16 Each SOP author (JO, SML) to provide a written checklist for instrument operators from the SOP for every given instrument, in electronic form. This form could then be put online on the World Data Centers webpages to be filled by instrument operators on a voluntary base. 2014-09-30 2014-09-30
AI2014-17 AW to provide an electronic checklist for CPCs and SMPS (currently no SOPs). 2014-09-30 2014-09-30
AI2014-18 JO to go over report #200 and identify people who wrote the SOPs for various instruments, and ask them to prepare the checklist or assess whether a checklist should/could be provided. Note: John Gras contributed SOPs for BAM-1050, MAAP, Ecotech M9003. Sangeeta Sharma contributed SOP for PSAP. 2014-06-30 2014-06-30
AI2014-19 JO to include recommendation of aethalometer correction in chapter 4 of update to #153 2014-06-29 2014-06-29
AI2014-20 CW to produce a checklist for PFR in electronic form to be sent to AW 2014-05-31 2014-05-31
AI2014-21 JO to contact SURFRAD to submit data to WDCA 2014-04-30 2014-04-30
AI2014-22 CW to send JO key points for the letter concerning long-term operation of PFR network, and to whom is should be addressed. JO to send the draft letter to ALB. ALB to ask Secretariat to send the letter to PMOD. 2014-05-31 2014-05-31
AI2014-23 PL and Jean Sciare to prepare a letter formulating the plan for the "on-line chemistry" world calibration center, to be circulated to the SAG. 2014-04-30 2014-04-30
AI2014-24 ALB, PL to write, and ALB to arrange a letter from Secretariat to LSCE in support of Jean's offer to establish a world calibration center 2014-06-30 2014-06-30
AI2014-25 PL to send draft of the book chapter ("Measuring Aerosol in Situ and Remote Sensing" in Atmospheric Aerosols: life cycles and effects on air quality) to SAG and ask for contributions, if there is an interest 2014-04-30 2014-04-30
AI2014-26 ALB to follow up on upgrade of Puy-de-Dome to global site. 2014-04-30 2014-04-30
AI2014-27 UB to provide an ACSM SOP. 2014-08-30 2014-08-30
AI2014-28 ALB to provide some clarification from the Secretariat regarding the request from CAS-XVI that "GAW should look into the measurements and reporting of PM2.5 and PM10 that are made by many different institutes and authorities that are very relevant in urban areas, and that are used extensively in health studies". 2014-04-30 2014-04-30
AI2014-29 JO to contact the Chair of SSC (Greg Carmichael) to say what has been done concerning BC measurements in GAWSIS, and to talk to the leader of GAWSIS to make sure that what's in GAWSIS concerting measurements of BC conforms to what recommended in the terminology for BC paper. 2014-06-30 2014-06-30
AI2014-30 JO to contact the SSC Chair to ask how GURME activities can be connected to the activities of the GAW global network. Request someone from GURME to attend the next SAG-Aerosol meeting so that the connection can be established. 2014-06-30 2014-06-30
AI2014-31 MF to provide information to Bulletin lead author on new stations that have completed one year of data submission (Chacaltaya should be there next). 2014-04-30 2014-04-30
AI2014-32 MF to contact Cathrine Lund Myhre and ask what the plans are to implement the ENAN/INAN report. 2014-04-30 2014-04-30
AI2014-33 AB to send a request for input from SAG on list of experts to draw in for the RRR "white paper". 2014-04-30 2014-04-30
AI2014-34 JO to send the GAW poster to Oksana so it can be displayed. 2014-04-30 2014-04-30 2014-02-21
AI2014-35 PL will contact Oksana to find out all she needs for the GAW 25th anniversary brochure from the SAG. 2014-04-30 2014-04-30 2014-03-01
AI2014-36 SML, JO, MF to finish draft of new chapters for GAW#153 Update, other authors (PL, AW, GP, CW) to review old and new chapters to confirm that no important text from old version has been overlooked in the new version. Redundant with AI-201244a 2014-06-30 2014-06-30 2014-03-01
AI2014-37 JO to distribute the draft GAW#153 Update to SAG. SAG to give feedback back to JO by 2014-09-30. 2014-07-15 2014-07-15
AI2014-38 CW to ask Julian Grubner to allocate Stefan Nyeki's time to develop the proposal for a GCOS reference network based on PFR network 2014-04-30 2014-04-30
AI2014-39 SK to discuss with AERONET people (Brent Holben, Sasha Smirnov) regarding preparing a proposal to GCOS for AERONET+MAN+PFR to be a GCOS reference network. 2014-04-30 2014-04-30
AI2014-40 AB to read carefully email (including attachment) from Oksana regarding request for SAG input to GAW documents for AOPC-XIX meeting in Ispra, Italy, 9-11 April 2014. Interact with JO, MF and SAG on what is needed to prepare our input for that. 2014-03-28 2014-03-28 2014-03-28
AI2014-41 PL to provide the contact information on whom should receive the letter re:ACTRIS contributions to GAW, and by when it should be sent. 2014-04-30 2014-04-30
AI2014-42 AB to keep SAG informed on what contribution GAW Aerosol can provide to NWP and SDS-WAS activities. 2015-04-30 2015-04-30
AI2014-43 JO to ask chair of the SSC (Greg Charmichael) about ex-officio representation from WORCC 2014-04-30 2014-04-30
AI2014-44 JO to send list of candidates to SAG and his analysis of where the gaps are in the SAG. Next step will be to forward consensus recommendation to Secretariat. 2014-04-30 2014-04-30
AI2014-45 JO to contact retiring and former SAG members to ask if they want stay on the mailing list. 2014-09-30 2014-09-30
AI2014-46 ALL to upload presentations onto John's computer or send him the presentation (ALB,AB,MF,SK,PL,SML,JO,GP,AP,THP,NS,CW,AW). JO to post to the password-protected sftp server for all SAG to access. 2014-04-04 2014-04-04 2014-04-02
AI2014-47 ALL to review current action item list and send comments to John (ALB,AB,MF,SK,PL,SML,JO,GP,AP,THP,NS,CW,AW) - are due dates acceptable?
- are there errors?
2014-04-11 2014-04-11
AI2014-48 AW to update SAG and WCCAP web pages - remove retired SAG members from list
- add inlet designs (AI2012-07)
- add updated Report #162 (AI2012-13)
- update IZA audit report and station reply (AI2012-14)
2014-04-30 2014-04-30