Keeping with our (unintentional) every two years schedule, we are happy to present the 3rd newsletter for the Federated Aerosol Network. This newsletter will fill you in on what is new with the Federated Aerosol Network as well as providing information about software updates, instrument news, standard operating tips and other interesting information.

Instrument updates
Tell me more!
John Ogren is retiring...sortof
After ~25 years at NOAA, John Ogren is retiring from his federal position!

Never fear - he'll still be working with the aerosol group half time as a University of Colorado employee for a few more years.
New Sites
Cape Grim, Australia joined the federated aerosol network in November, 2015; Gunn Point, also in Australia, will be joining soon.

Click here for the most recent network map and more site news.
Tips and Tricks

Maintenance Tip
DB system Tip
FAQ tip
Data Analysis Tip
Documents and Resources
Meet the Partners
In this section we put faces to the names of our partners.
Professor N.H. (George) Lin, National Central University, Taiwan. George is the PI for the Mount Lulin aerosol measurements in Taiwan's beautiful Yushan National Park.
Meet George
Aerosol Data Publications
Cumulative list of papers
The papers included on this list specifically use nephelometer, CN counter, PSAP/CLAP/MAAP and/or aethaloemter data from the collaborative network.

Please help us keep this list up-to-date!
43nd ESRL Global Monitoring Annual Conference will be May 17-18, 2016 in Boulder, CO.

Another conference possibly of interest is the AWMA 'Atmospheric optics, aerosols, visibility and radiative balance' meeting September 27-30, 2016 in Jackson Hole, WY.
Please note that the AWMA conference is, unfortunately, the same week as the IGAC conference in Breckinridge, CO.

If you attend either of these, please contemplate stopping by NOAA before or after for a visit. We'd love to see you!