Tropospheric Aircraft Ozone Data (More detail at ************ USE OF ESRL GMD DATA **************** These data are made freely available to the public and the scientific community in the belief that their wide dissemination will lead to greater understanding and new scientific insights. The availability of these data does not constitute publication of the data. NOAA relies on the ethics and integrity of the user to assure that ESRL receives fair credit for their work. Manuscripts using the ESRL data should be sent to ESRL for review before they are submitted for publication so we can insure that the quality and limitations of the data are accurately represented. Every effort is made to produce the most accurate and precise measurements possible. Contact: Constituent: O3, T, RH Audra McClure-Begley tel: (303) 497-6823 email: ***About the ozone monitors*** Aircrafts are equipped with 2B Technology modified ozone monitors (Model 205DB) and have inlets in various locations on each plane. Temperature and RH probes are made by Vaisala and are not calibrated at NOAA. GPS units are made by Garmin and used with factory settings. All times in these files are GMT times, not local times. ***Data Quality*** Our QA/QC process includes manual inspection of the data and removal of what appear to be instrument misreads. Then the data is smoothed with a one-minute boxcar average. ***File Format*** Each data file has an associated PostScript plot file ( Every file has a header, which includes pilot notes (regarding weather, flight plan changes, etc...) if there are any. The header lines are denoted with #. The remainder of the file is data and columns are delimited by whitespace (the last # line being the column header). Missing data is denoted by "-999". Stn Date(UTC) Time(UTC) O3(ppb) RH(%) T(C) Lat Lon Alt(masl) Flag A brief explanation of the columns of data is as follows. Stn = NOAA and sometimes WMO station identifiers Date (UTC) = Universal Date Time (UTC) = Universal Time in military format hh:mm:ss. Files are not in local time. O3(ppb) = Ozone in parts per billion with an accuracy of accuracy of 1 ppbv or 2% of reading). Measured with Vaisala HMP Model 330. RH(%) = 0-100% - This field will read "-999" if the probe is not plugged in or the values drop below 0 or exceed 100. Sensor accuracy is Accuracy at +20 °C (68 °F) ± 1.0 % RH (0 ... 90 % RH) , ± 1.7 % RH (90 ... 100 % RH). Measured with Vaisala HMP Model 330. T (C) = Range is -40 ... +80 °C. If reading is outside this range, data will show "-999". A "-999" can also mean that the temperature humidity probe was not plugged in. Lat, Lon = Converted to Decimal Degrees. Measured with Garmin GPS unit. Alt (masl) = Altitude recorded in meters above sea level (masl). Measured with Garmin GPS Unit. The altitude may be estimated by using altitudes on either side of the missing point or with an geopotential height approximation. Flag = If a flag appears, the data was questionable or approximated. Some temperature probes appear to have a lag on descent on some flights, perhaps due to the increased speed of descent or the relative angle of the probe. Because of the difficulty in calculating this, the temperature data has not been modified, but is generally flagged with a "T". The data is released with the following flags due to any uncertainties G - estimated altitude, latitude and/or longitude I - questionable due to instrument cell temperature or pressure B - questionable due to low battery T - questionable temperature value ***Tropospheric Aircraft Ozone Measurement Program site locations and measurement collection dates. *Ozone measurement data is available during active site dates. Code Name Latitude Longitude Elevation (meters) Date of Active Site* (month/year) Country AAO Airborne Aerosol Observing, Bondville, Illinois 40.05 -88.37 230.0 1/2006-1/2010 United States BGI Bradgate, Iowa 42.82 -94.41 355.1 6/2005-11/2005 United States BNE Beaver Crossing, Nebraska 40.80 -97.18 465.9 1/2005-1/2011 United States CAR Briggsdale, Colorado 40.37 -104.30 1740.0 3/2004-current United States CMA Cape May, New Jersey 38.83 -74.32 0.0 8/2005-current United States ESP Estevan Point, British Columbia 49.58 -126.37 7.0 3/2009-current Canada FWI Fairchild, Wisconsin 44.66 -90.96 334.3 7/2005-11/2005 United States HIL Homer, Illinois 40.07 -87.91 201.5 9/2005-current United States NHA Worcester, Massachusetts 42.95 -70.63 0.0 5/2005-current United States OIL Oglesby, Illinois 41.28 -88.94 192.6 9/2005-10/2005 United States SCA Charleston, South Carolina 32.77 -79.55 0.0 10/2005-current United States SGP (IAP) Southern Great Plains, Oklahoma 36.80 -97.50 314.0 6/2006-current United States THD Trinidad Head, California 41.05 -124.15 107.0 4/2005-current United States ULB Ulaanbaatar 47.40 106.00 1350.0 11/2004-10/2008 Mongolia WBI/RIA West Branch, Iowa/Rowley, Iowa 41.73/42.40 -91.35/-91.84 241.7/298.7 1/2005-5/2011 United States