This Cavity Radiometer data was collected during the 1996 UV intercomp, Table Mt, CO. Cavity Radiometer SN30710. Data was collected on Tuesday 6/18/96 for comparison/calibration of NIP "set of three" run throughout the intercomparison. The data was collected during the 6 hours surrounding solar noon (10am-4pm LDT) in six 55 min data runs of 3 sec samples, calibration before every run. There are 2 data files containing the 6 runs: 710DA171.96 contains 3 am runs 710DB171.96 contains 3 pm runs. Data in these files are contained in the following columns: Some time stamp, time in LST (HH:MM:SS), cavity voltage reading (mV?), calibrated output (W/m^2) with way too many decimal places (cavity accuracy is about .2 to .5 % at say 1000 W/m^2). I have processed the 3 sec sample data into one min average data for comparison with NIP data. The one min avg. data are in files: 710a1min.dat am runs 710b1min.dat pm runs data in these files are in the following cols: hh:mm:ss (LST), cavity (W/m^2), num samples averaged for that min. note: only use data where the number of samples averaged for the minute is 20. Average data is for the previous minute.