QCRad_V3 quality control files for SURFRAD Network data: Contact: John Augustine NOAA GML 325 Broadway Street Boulder, CO 80305 email: john.a.augustine@noaa.gov Phone: 720-238-6480 Use the following references in any publications that use SURFRAD QCRadV3 data: Long, C. N., and Y. Shi, 2008: An Automated Quality Assessment and Control Algorithm for Surface Radiation Measurements, TOASJ, 2, 23-37, doi: 10.2174/1874282300802010023. Long, C. N. and Y. Shi, 2006: The QCRad Value Added Product: Surface Radiation Measurement Quality Control Testing, Including Climatologically Configurable Limits, Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program Technical Report, ARM TR-074, 69 pp., Available via http://www.arm.gov. Augustine, J. A., J. J. DeLuisi, and C. N. Long, 2000: SURFRAD—A national surface radiation budget network for atmospheric research. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc. 81, 2341-2357. Augustine, J. A., G. B. Hodges, C. R. Cornwall, J. J. Michalsky, and C. I. Medina, 2005: An update on SURFRAD—The GCOS surface radiation budget network for the continental United States, J. Atmos. And Oceanic Tech., 22, 1460–1472. See the end of this document for “Fair use” data practices and licensing policies that pertain to SURFRAD data. DATA DISTRIBUTION: QCRadV3 filenames are of the form: sta_yyyymmdd.qdat e.g., bon_20240106.qdat for Bondville QCRadV3 data for 6-jan-2024 These daily SURFRAD QCRadV3 text data files for each station may be downloaded from the GML FTP site at: https://gml.noaa.gov/aftp/data/radiation/surfrad/qcrad_v3/ To get to a specific file, advance to the appropriate station directory, and then to the specific year directory, e.g., for Bondville 2024 data: https://gml.noaa.gov/aftp/data/radiation/surfrad/qcrad_v3/bon/2024/ FILE DESCRIPTION: The QCRadV3 files contain a header line, then the output data in rows starting with a date/time stamp, and followed by the variables in columns. The column headers and their meanings are as follows: Date date in YYYYMMDD format (UTC) Time time of day in hhmm format (UTC) BESW Best Estimate SW, sum of direct plus diffuse if both pass QC tests, else global SW if available (W/m^2) GSW total (global) SW from unshaded pyranometer (W/m^2) DIF measured downwelling diffuse SW (W/m^2) DIR measured downwelling direct SW (W/m^2) SWup upwelling SW from pyranometer (W/m^2) LWdn downwelling LW from pyrgeometer (W/m^2) LWup upwelling LW from pyrgeometer (W/m^2) Ta air temperature (K) RH Relative Humidity (%) Prs station pressure (mb) LWdTc Downwelling LW pyrgeometer case temperature (K) LWdTd Downwelling LW pyrgeometer dome temperature (K) LWuTc Upwelling LW pyrgeometer case temperature (K) LWuTd Upwelling LW pyrgeometer dome temperature (K) qc1 through qc19 are quality testing flags, one for each test performed. See "QC_Rad3_flg_key.pdf" for details. NOTE: If QC1, QC2, or QC3 flag value is set to "10" or greater, then that SW value was either "missing" or tested "bad" and the value was replaced by adding or subtracting the other two SW components to calculate the value. This calculated value is then tested just as the original value would have been, and might then be set to "bad" if the testing is not passed. The second digit (<10 value) represents the "normal" test flagging as described in "QC_Rad3_flg_key.pdf." gflg type of IR loss correction applied to global SW, none/full dry/full moist/detector dry/det moist (0/1/2/3/4) dflg type of IR loss correction applied to diffuse SW, none/full dry/full moist/detector dry/det moist (0/1/2/3/4) Z Solar zenith angle (degrees) AU Earth-Sun distance in astronomical units ClrSW Estimated clear-sky total downwelling SW, from user- set power law coefficient settings in configuration file DifCorr IR loss correction applied to diffuse (shaded) SW measurements GSWCorr IR loss correction applied to global (unshaded) SW measurements UVB_down Erythemal UVB irradiance (milli-W/m^2) PAR_dn Photosynthetically Active Radiation (W/m^2) WindSp Wind Speed (m/s) WindDir Wind direction (deg. clockwise from north, north is 0 deg.) =============================================== NOTE: The term "pyrgeometer detector flux" refers to the pyrgeometer signal (typically mV) times the sensitivity factor (or divided by the calibration factor). This value is what Dutton et al. 2001 call the instrument "netIR" in their diffuse correction paper. Dutton, E. G., J. J. Michalsky, T. Stoffel, B. W. Forgan, J. Hickey, D. W. Nelson, T. L. Alberta, and I. Reda, 2001: Measurement of broadband diffuse solar irradiance using current commercial instrumentation with a correction for thermal offset errors. J. Atmos. and Ocean. Tech., 18(3), 297-314. Fair use policy, license, etc.: Findable and Accessible: SURFRAD data are archived in many places including international archives and within NOAA at the NOAA Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI). Our data are freely available to users both from NCEI and on our GML web-site (e.g. GML web-site, GRAD ftp data access). The NCEI archive assigns a DOI to the data-sets including the radiation data from our networks. Fair Use: These data are made freely available to the public and the scientific community in the belief that their wide dissemination will lead to greater understanding and new scientific insights. To ensure that GML receives fair credit for their work please include relevant citation text in publications (see below). We encourage users to contact the data providers, who can provide detailed information about the measurements and scientific insight. In cases where the data are central to a publication, co-authorship for data providers may be appropriate. License: CC0 1.0 Universal - NOAA has recently adopted Creative Commons Zero 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication (CC0-1.0) licensing for all internally published datasets. These data were produced by NOAA and are not subject to copyright protection in the United States. NOAA waives any potential copyright and related rights in this data worldwide through the Creative Commons Zero 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication (CC0 1.0). These data were produced by NOAA and are not subject to copyright protection in the United States. NOAA waives any potential copyright and related rights in this data worldwide through the Creative Commons Zero 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication (CC0-1.0).