Note: Data are available as both text and prn files. The files are identical. RB9906_readme.txt 07/11/00 16:36 ================= =============================================================================== Daniel B. King, James H. Butler, Stephen A. Montzka, James W. Elkins. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Climate Monitoring and Diagnostics Laboratory, Halocarbons and other Atmospheric Trace Species (NOAA/CMDL/HATS) mail contact: NOAA/CMDL/HATS, 325 Broadway R/CMDL1, Boulder, CO 80305, USA email contacts:, =============================================================================== data ftp server: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- If you use any of these data, please contact one of the individuals listed above. Also, be sure to acknowledge this source! Methods for analysis are explained in a number of earlier publications, most recently in King, et al, 2000, Journal of Geophysical Research, 105 (D15), 19,763-19,769. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The files are from the NOAA/CMDL Halocarbons and other Atmospheric Trace Species (HATS) group's RB-99-06 ocean expedition on NOAA Ship Ron Brown. RB-99-06 took place in the North Pacific Ocean starting in Kwajalein, Marshall Islands, on September 14, 1999, and ending in Seattle, Washington, on October 23, 1999, with port stops in Honolulu, Hawaii, and Dutch Harbor, Alaska. The following files are available: ==================== RB9906_CH3Brair.txt ==================== Saved in windows tab-delimited text format. This datafile contains the CH3Br air data with the associated met data, in an ascii format. The column headings and meanings are listed below: Column name remarks ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date Decimal year = DOY/365+1999 DOY Decimal Julian day of year 1999 (universal time) Latitude Latitude in degrees North Longitude Longitude in degrees East COG Course over ground (degrees) SOG Speed over ground (knots) Gyro Ship's heading, the direction in which the ship's bow is pointing, which is different from the actual movement in strong winds (degrees). TSG_SST Sea surface temperature (°C) recorded at the TSG (thermosalinograph), which delivered salinity and was also linked to the fluorometer. Sal Salinity from the TSG (PSU). Press Atmospheric pressure (mb) Precip Precipitation rate (mm/hr) AirT Air temperature (°C). Values of -99 are used to identify obvious flyers in the dataset. Fluoro Fluorometer output signal, adjusted for range changes (a.u.). The final 204 lines do not contain any data. Rwind2sp Wind speed relative to the ship (knots) from sensor 2. Twind2sp True wind speed (knots)from sensor 2. The true wind speed was calculated from the speed over ground (SOG) instead of the speed through water (which was not measured) and has a slight inaccuracy in it. Twind2dir True wind direction (degrees) from sensor 2. CH3Br MFair CH3Br dry mole fraction in air (ppt, pmol/mol) CH3Br PPair CH3Br partial pressure in air (patm). This is the mole fraction corrected for water vapor pressure. ====================== RB9906_CH3Brwater.txt ====================== Saved in windows tab-delimited text format. This datafile contains the CH3Br seawater data with the associated met data, in an ascii format. The column headings and meanings are listed below: Column name remarks ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date Decimal year = DOY/365+1999 DOY Decimal Julian day of year 1999 (universal time) Latitude Latitude in degrees North Longitude Longitude in degrees East COG Course over ground (degrees) SOG Speed over ground (knots) Gyro Ship's heading, the direction in which the ship's bow is pointing, which is different from the actual movement in strong winds (degrees). TSG_SST Sea surface temperature (°C) recorded at the TSG (thermosalinograph), which delivered salinity and was also linked to the fluorometer. Sal Salinity from the TSG (PSU). Press Atmospheric pressure (mb) Precip Precipitation rate (mm/hr) AirT Air temperature (°C). Values of -99 are used to identify obvious flyers in the dataset. Fluoro Fluorometer output signal, adjusted for range changes (a.u.). The final 204 lines do not contain any data. Rwind2sp Wind speed relative to the ship (knots) from sensor 2. Twind2sp True wind speed (knots)from sensor 2. The true wind speed was calculated from the speed over ground (SOG) instead of the speed through water (which was not measured) and has a slight inaccuracy in it. Twind2dir True wind direction (degrees) from sensor 2. CH3Br MFwater CH3Br dry mole fraction in air that was equilibrated with surface water (ppt, pmol/mol). CH3Br PPwater CH3Br partial pressure in equilibrated air (patm). This is the mole fraction corrected for water vapor pressure. CH3Br SA CH3Br saturation anomaly (partial pressure difference between air and seawater, where a positive value indicates a flux from the ocean to the atmosphere). Other gases will follow at a later point in time.