These are the flux priors for CT2019, comprising two biosphere model NEE (excluding wildfire), two wildfire emissions, two air-sea gas exchange estimates, and two fossil fuel emissions scenarios. Do not use these priors without obtaining consent from the upstreams data providers. Please contact us at to discuss what sorts of rstrictions may be placed on these data. The prior fluxes are: b4 - GFED 4.1s land NEE (excluding wildfire) bc - GFED_CMS land NEE (excluding wildfire) w4 - GFED 4.1s wildfire wc - GFED_CMS wildfire oi - OIF ocean inversion fluxes oc - Climatological (Takahashi et al. 2009) pCO2 ocean flux with trend fm - Miller fossil fuel fo - ODIAC fossil fuel See the CT2019 documentation for details about these priors. Files in 3hourly subdirectory are 3-hourly and files ending in prior_??.nc are weekly. See the CT2019 documentation for details about temporal downscaling of the NEE, fossil, and wildfire emissions.