This directory contains receptor lists for ch4. The version of obspack used for continuous receptors was obspack_ch4_1_GLOBALVIEWplus_v1.0_2019-01-08. NOTE: Please read and follow the Fair Use Statement for obspack data explained at Flask receptors came directly from the NOAA/GMD flask database, but also are included in the obspack. The background values are from the 20171105 version of the empirical background by Arlyn Andrews. Files: Note: {year} represents the 4 digit number for the year. Years available are 2007 to 2015. Note: The actual footprints for each receptor are available at Note: Each line in the receptor files includes the path and file name used by NOAA/GMD. The path should be replaced by the user with the actual path being used. The file name should remain the same. flask_receptors_{year}_ch4.txt - List of receptors that have a NOAA flask ch4 measurement. continuous_receptors_{year}_ch4.txt - List of receptors that have a ch4 measurement from obspack. - This is a subset of the full ct-lagrange footprint library, - containing only those footprints that have a ch4 observation - from the given obspack package. flask_receptors_info_{year}_ch4.txt - Additional information about each flask receptor. Contains an additionl - 18 header lines explaining the fields in each line of data. continuous_receptors_info_{year}_ch4.txt - Additional information about each continuous receptor. Contains an additionl - 18 header lines explaining the fields in each line of data. flask_obs_{year}_ch4.txt - The ch4 value for flask receptors. Order in the file is the same as - in the receptor file. continuous_obs_{year}_ch4.txt - The ch4 value and standard deviation for continuous receptors. Order in the - file is the same as in the receptor file. flask_bg_{year}_ch4.txt - The background ch4 valuase for flask receptors. Order in the file is the same as - in the receptor file. continuous_bg_{year}_ch4.txt - The background ch4 values for continuous receptors. Order in the file is the same as - in the receptor file.