#Stratospheric age spectra from Andrews et al., JGR,106, D10, 10257-10274, May 27, 2001. #Age spectra corresponding to 1D-bimodal fits to 2D Model spectra from Jones et al., 2001 #(same issue) are also provided. # #Rows correspond to N2O values used as a pseudo-vertical coordinate and provided in the #file n2o_levels_andrews2001.txt. # #Columns correspond to transit times from the tropical tropopause in years, and are #provided in the file transit_time_years.txt. Files contain transit times up to 100 years. #For the andrews2001_2pk and jones_2001_2pk fit cases, integration over a period of 12 #years is sufficient to compute mean age and for co2 convolutions. For andrews2001_1pk #case, integration over 50-100 years is needed to resolve the long tail.