!### macros ##################################################### #define TRACEBACK write (gol,'("in ",a," (",a,", line",i5,")")') rname, __FILE__, __LINE__; call goErr #define IF_NOTOK_RETURN(action) if (status/=0) then; TRACEBACK; action; return; end if #define IF_ERROR_RETURN(action) if (status> 0) then; TRACEBACK; action; return; end if #include "tm5.inc" !################################################################# module emission_co2_all !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! purpose ! ------- ! perform co2 emissions all ! ! interface_ ! --------- ! call emission_apply_all ! ! method ! ------ ! subroutine is called from its general parent routine apply_emission !----------------------------------------------------------------------- use chem_param , only: xmco2, xmc use global_types, only: emis_data use Dims, only: nregions, nlon360,nlat180 use emission_data, only: do_add_2d, flux_to_gridbox_per_month use emission_common, only: co2_ocean, co2_bio, co2_ff, co2_fires, co2_all, co2_all_m, co2_all_n, flux_means_are_priors, fluxmultiplier implicit none private ! public routines: public :: emission_apply_co2_all, declare_emission_co2_all, free_emission_co2_all, calc_emission_co2_all public :: co2_flux, emis_data, pseudo type(emis_data),dimension(:,:),allocatable,target :: co2_flux logical :: flux_unallocated=.true. logical :: pseudo=.false. contains subroutine declare_emission_co2_all use dims, only: im,jm,nregions use ParTools, only: ntracetloc use chem_param, only: nmembersloc implicit none integer :: region, imr, jmr, n allocate(co2_flux(nregions,ntracetloc)) do region=1,nregions imr=im(region) jmr=jm(region) do n=1,nmembersloc !ntracetloc allocate(co2_flux(region,n)%surf(imr,jmr)) end do enddo end subroutine declare_emission_co2_all subroutine calc_emission_co2_all use dims, only: nlon360, nlat180, im,jm, sec_month, newsrun, idate, newday,nregions, itau, staggered, nread use toolbox, only: coarsen_emission_2d use ParTools, only: tracer_active, ntracetloc use chem_param, only: xmc,nmembersloc use partools, only : myid,root_t implicit none integer :: region, imr, jmr, n, mem integer, parameter :: add_field=0 if(mod(itau,nread) /= 0) return ! only every nread hours !WP! put full flux into emission array for each member do mem=1,nmembersloc !ntracetloc co2_all=((co2_bio+co2_ocean)*fluxmultiplier(:,:,mem)+co2_ff+co2_fires) ! create full emissions in mol/m2/s co2_all=co2_all*xmc/1.e3 ! full emissions in kgC/m2/s call flux_to_gridbox_per_month(co2_all) ! to kgC/area/month call coarsen_emission_2d('co2',360,180,co2_all,co2_flux(:,mem),add_field) end do ! accumulate weekly average if(flux_means_are_priors .eqv. .TRUE.) then if(allocated(co2_all_m)) then co2_all_m=co2_all_m+(co2_bio+co2_ocean+co2_ff+co2_fires) co2_all_n=co2_all_n+1 end if else if(allocated(co2_all_m)) then co2_all_m=co2_all_m+((co2_bio+co2_ocean)*fluxmultiplier(:,:,1)+co2_ff+co2_fires) co2_all_n=co2_all_n+1 end if end if end subroutine calc_emission_co2_all subroutine emission_apply_co2_all(region) ! use GO, only: goLoCase use dims, only: okdebug use ParTools, only: tracer_active, ntracetloc, myid, ntracet_ar use chem_param, only: nmembersloc,names implicit none ! io integer, intent(in) :: region ! local integer :: n, offsetn=0 ! start if(myid > 0) offsetn=sum(ntracet_ar(0:myid-1)) if (goLoCase(trim(names(offsetn+1)))=='co2'.or.goLoCase(trim(names(offsetn+1)))=='co2_bg') then do n=1,ntracetloc call do_add_2d(region,offsetn+n,1,co2_flux(region,n)%surf,xmco2,xmc) enddo endif if(okdebug) write(*,*) 'end of emission_apply_co2_casm' end subroutine emission_apply_co2_all !================================================================== subroutine free_emission_co2_all use dims, only: nregions_max use ParTools, only: ntracetloc use chem_param, only: nmembersloc implicit none integer :: region, n do region=1,nregions do n=1,nmembersloc !ntracetloc deallocate(co2_flux(region,n)%surf) end do enddo end subroutine free_emission_co2_all end module emission_co2_all