;+ ; NAME: ; CCG_MESSAGE ; ; PURPOSE: ; ; Tab messages 'tab' spaces to the right. ; This is handy for informational messages ; within procedures or functions. If the ; integer keyword 'tab' is not set then 'tab' ; is set to 5 by default. ; ; CATEGORY: ; Text Files. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; CCG_MESSAGE, 'File not found ...',/bell ; CCG_MESSAGE, 'Done with filter ...',tab=8 ; CCG_MESSAGE, 'hi',tab=40,bell=1 ; ; INPUTS: ; string: Text string. ; ; OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: ; tab: Number of integer spaces to ; shift to right. ; ; bell: If keyword set, bell will sound. ; ; OUTPUTS: ; None. ; ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; None. ; ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; None. ; ; RESTRICTIONS: ; 'tab' keyword must follow passed string. ; ; PROCEDURE: ; No example. ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written, KAM, August 1994. ;- ; PRO ccg_message, str,bell=bell,tab=tab ; IF NOT KEYWORD_SET(tab) THEN tab=5 ; sformat=STRCOMPRESS('(TR'+STRING(tab)+',A0)',/REMOVE_ALL) ; PRINT,FORMAT=sformat,str IF KEYWORD_SET(bell) THEN PRINT,STRING(7B) END