It appears that the alltime channels read actual counts at night; however, THE 21 SHADOWBAND CHANNELS HAVE THE NIGHTIME VALUES SET TO 1. Lee cosine corrects the direct, not the diffuse, and adds the corrected direct to the original diffuse that has only been corrected using the sideband measurements; he reports this as total. L -41 39.99 105.26 for TSR548 on roof of DSRC "O" command arg --> {90 - [elv angle of motor axis (suggest 30 deg) - 39.99]}*65536/360 O 18203 for DSRC I $20 $11FF 0 20 1 is YES original cosine file 584.SOL.yes is my modification of YES 584.SOL because of using different channels to take data. Only header modified. 584.sol100819_unsmoothed.txt is modified by Charles Wilson to include YES thermopile values plus his filter values from unsmoothed cosine run in AUG 2010. Commands to download data and clear memory: M 1 # moves ram data to mem card T 2 # dumps mem card M $7FFF # clears mem card (raw data taken during dump is transferred to mem card) Subtract 0.6 mb from pressure obtained at Time is given at that site in UTC. *** The file tsr584.120130.xmd had only one channel activated. *** *************** Run rsrsplit -g 720 to get .mtm files. Once you have .mtm files, 'ls' them to a file, e.g., 'ls E6DE.*.mtm > foo'; go in and create a vi macro using 'q', followed by some character for the macro name, say 's', then what you want to do to the first line, for example 'tu -o 584.021106 B76A.021106.mtm', if the first line contained the mtm file name 'B76A.021106.mtm'; then position yourself at the beginning of the next line and type another 'q' to end the macro creation; to execute the macro type '@s' or to do it 100 times '100@s' After changing 'foo' to an executable, execute it to get files with names like '584.021106' 'la_stuff.s 584.yy*' will create a file with the la outputs concatenated and called la.out This removes unsuccessful langleys from file grep -v points la_out > fn1 This grabs the time line and the 5 lines of data and removes lines with only '--' in them grep -B1 -A4 'Channel 1' fn1 | grep -v '^--' > fn2 Or strung together: grep -v points la.out | grep -B1 -A4 'Channel 1' | grep -v '^--' > la.clean Note that at times not all 5 filters return good data, and that messes this up, so check by editing to remove sets that do not have all five filters if needed. RUN 'strip_data.s la.clean' after editing any remaining messed up data in la.clean Then run jd -f foo.temp > In 'R' run get_vos.f *************** Use 'beav' to edit binary (xmodem) files; the three bytes that are next to the last header byte are the bytes remaining in the file starting just after the header. There is an email from Jim Schlemmer from Dec 2011 that explains the header. 'beav' has bytes in hexadecimal in correct order (no switched bytes). 0D E6 DE 01 C7 4A D9 1C 6F 20 00 14 00 14 9F AE vr ID ID LON LAT FL Samp Avg JD 00 C7 10 07 00 00 00 00 00 00 11 FF 00 00 00 1A Secs_UT Ch | Day chn | | All tim | |cntrs | bytes 52 50 00 left err Apparently "00" is a placeholder in a file with ERROR CODE 01 to keep the time correct so removing these removes 20 secs of time. For dsrc get pressure from gps met site, but subtract 0.6 mb since it is measured at a lower level of about 20 feet. gps met site time in UTC.