'** This is the config file for (your prog name) prog ** ' ' The rules are: ' All non-data line need a comment at the start. ' Blank lines are OK but are bad practice. ' Data identifiers are in the form DATA=this_is_data. ' Well, I suggest CAPS for the identifiers...you code whatever... ' Data order is not important. ' Comments after data are retained, indented and ignored. ' Avoid formatting chars e.g.Tabs. ' Data stored as strings, spaces allowed. ' COMM=1 'comm port number QHOURS= 464.89 'quartz lamp hours QNUMBER=9 'quartz serial number HGHOURS= 146.76 'Mercury lamp hours HGNUMBER=8 'Mercury lamp serial number QDATE=17-07-01 'cal date for quartz lamp PSUNUMBER=6 'powersupply serial number PSUDATE=21-11-03 'cal date for PSU RESNUMBER=6 'resistor serial number RESDATE=21-11-03 'cal date for resistor CLUNUMBER=8 'Calibration Lamp Unit sn# LOGFILENAME=uv3clu8log.txt 'name for log file TempSens=lm35 'determines what temp (lm35) SMTP_Host=SMTP 'name of SMTP host InstrumentAddress=UV3@mlo.noaa.gov 'name of instrument (eMail address, needs an @ in it) DestinationAddress=m.kotkamp@niwa.co.nz 'eMailaddress of destination BoxTemp=20 'desired Box temperature ExtraTemps=extra 'display extra chans (extra or no) MailSlotChar=. 'either * (everybody on domain)or . (just on PC) for Mailslot domain level MailEnable=No 'enable emails, Yes or No AgilentNumber=6023 'Use last 4 digits of Agilent serial 'comment for variable 21 '