'''' Mode file for UV5 Spectroradiometer operating at NOAA, Boulder, using Windows and new logging program UVLogWin.exe ' Any variables may be changed from default by entering ' NAME=VALUE. Invalid entries will cause the program to ' request a new mode file name. Comments may be entered ' by preceeding a "'" on each line. Identity=UV5 'Spectrometer identity string - used to name files so keep 3 characters long 'site latitude, longitude and GMT lead Lat=40.125 'Latitude of station > positive North (ldrnz-45.0446, german47.48, Bld39.991) Longt=-105.237 'Longitude of station > positive East (ldrnz 169.684, germany 11.07, Bld-105.26) GMTLead=-7 'HRS computer clock ahead of GMT (lauder nz 12, Bld-7) 'operational run SZA and time options SZAMin=0 'Min Range of Solar Zenith Angles used for taking measurement runs during day SZAMax=95 'Max Range of Solar Zenith Angles used for taking measurement runs during day RunsDeg=5 'SZA degrees between measurement runs HrMnStart=0400 'Start of time interval used for midday runs with fixed time spacing HrMnEnd=2230 'End of time interval used for midday runs with fixed time spacing MinsGap=30 'Minutes gap between midday fixed time runs 'Computer parallel port parameters PortAddress=888 'Parallel port address for IBM390x printer port (378 base 16) 'PortAddress=956 'Parallel port address for IBM390x printer port (3BC base 16) PortIRQ=7 'Parallel port Interrupt Request Number ISABusRetry=2 'AdsDr Driver bus retry count (larger for slower bus pulse widths - increase if transfer is unreliable) DefaultOvSamp=40 'Default oversampling value - IntCycles1 replaces it if used IntTimeAds=2.000 'ADS1210 integration time in ms (basic electronic time base) AuxChns=3 'Number of auxiliary analog input channels SpectSize=825 'Number of data values in block (290-450nm=800, 290-410nm=600, 285 - 450nm = 825) FL=875 'Size of block TimeErrMax=0 'Maximum Secs that run center can be in error without Run being in error (ie rejected) WaveStart=285.0 'Spectrum start wavelength (nm) WaveStep=0.2 'Sample wavelength step (nm) WaveDark=150.0 'Dark wavelength (nm) PTime=-1304 '11 ''25 '34 ''18 'Adjust to center run FwdOnly=1 'FwdOnly =0 for reverse + forward scan; =1 for forward scan only ParkEHTOff=0 'Flag to turn EHT off when parking gratings ParkBeforeScan=0 'Flag to turn on a park of gratings before each scan ParkAfterScan%=0 'Flag to turn on a park of gratings after each scan (always parks at midnight) ResetAfterScan=0 'Flag to turn on initialisation of electronics/ADS after each run EHTOffDark=0 'Flag to turn on a dark measurement with EHT off at end of run (always does at midnight) WaitEHT=120 'Time secs to wait for PMT to settle before dark measurement at end of run ParkFlagForce=0 'Flag to force park flags true (for use when testing without Monos) DeBugSwitch=2 'Force high level debug files TimeWaitDark=120 'Set time to wait before second dark (let PMT settle after high light) HatchUsed=0 'Flag to indicate that hatch is used (open/close signal bit 4 of control output) HatchSwPol=0 'Hatch switch polarity CalResID=8 'Identity of calibration resistor (default in selection box) CalLampID=14 'Identity of calibration lamp (default in selection box) CalUnitID=13 'Identity of calibration lamp unit (CLU) CalPowerSupplyID=8 'Identity of calibration power supply CalDvmID=0 'Identity of calibration digital volt meter (Agilent) LongIntSecs=100 'Long period statistics - integration time secs EHTDivision=197.77 'Divider chain resistor ratio for EHT channel TempOffset=0.7 'Correct temperature display ' 'Integration intervals (4 max) params. 'Interval is from IntIndex(n) + 1 to IntIndex(n+1) IntIndex1=376 '75 '1st sig. measurement interval: end index IntCycles1=1543 '400 '1st sig. measurement interval: DDC101 transfer cycles per sample IntIndex2=825 '125 '2nd sig. measurement interval: end index IntCycles2=40 '200 '2nd sig. measurement interval: DDC101 transfer cycles per sample IntIndex3=0 '825 '3nd sig. measurement interval: end index IntCycles3=0 '40 '3nd sig. measurement interval: DDC101 transfer cycles per sample IntIndex4=0 '4th sig. measurement interval: end index IntCycles4=0 '4th sig. measurement interval: DDC101 transfer cycles per sample ' DarkIndex1=10 '20 '1st dark measurement interval: end index DarkIndex2=50 '2nd dark measurement interval: end index DarkIndex3=0 '100 '3rd dark measurement interval: end index DarkIndex4=0 '4th dark measurement interval: end index ' 'Analog input electronics scale and offset factors ScaleChnl01=10.000 'PMT channel scale factor OffsetChnl01=4.96600 'PMT channel offset ScaleChnl02=10.000 'EHT channel scale factor OffsetChnl02=4.96745 'EHT channel offset ScaleChnl03=10.000 'Diode channel scale factor OffsetChnl03=4.96750 'Diode channel offset ScaleChnl04=10.000 'Temperature channel scale factor OffsetChnl04=4.95400 'Temperature channel offset ScaleChnl05=10.000 'Unused in UV5 OffsetChnl05=5.00000 'Unused in UV5 ScaleChnl06=10.000 'Unused in UV5 OffsetChnl06=5.00000 'Unused in UV5 ScaleChnl07=10.000 'Unused in UV5 OffsetChnl07=5.00000 'Unused in UV5 ScaleChnl08=10.000 'Unused in UV5 OffsetChnl08=5.00000 'Unused in UV5 'wavelength correction parameters WError=-0.66 'was -0.75 (changed 19/sep/2002 'Start wavelength error correction'was 0.04mk22/8/02 WRevShift=-1.55 ''was -1.40 18/09/02 'correcting rev wrt fwd wavelength'was -0.30mk22/8/02 DeltaWGrat2Fwd=0.40 '0.45 '0.50 '0.55 'Wavelength tuning correction for forward scan DeltaWGrat2Rev=0.55 '0.60 '0.65 '0.70 '0.80 'for rev scan (diff in nm between Grat2 and Grat1) WBacklash=5 'amount to lead in by in the same dirn before starting scan WTuneAmp=0.00 'set to delta W sine amplitude for tuning run (2.00) WTunePeriod=0.00 'set to delta W sine period for tuning run (10.00) ' 'Monochromator grating params GratScale1=0.00123368 'Grating 1 scale ParkError1=-244 'Grating 1 park error GratScale2=0.00123368 'Grating 2 scale ParkError2=-249 'Grating 2 park error Alpha1=1.0041 'Bentham alpha factor for grating 1 (for Acton use 1.000) Alpha2=1.0036 'Bentham alpha factor for grating 2 ' 'Drive mechanism parameters GratRot1=-1 'Bentham Grating motor sense reverse to Acton (so use -1 for Bentham) GratRot2=-1 'Bentham Grating motor sense reverse to Acton (so use -1 for Bentham) MotorCyclesPerRev=50 'step motor current cycles per revolution (50 for the Bentham) GearRatio=100 'ratio between step motor and grating shaft (100 for Bentham) MotorAmplitude=1500 '12 bit DtoA current to step motors max (<=2047) MotorOffset=2048 '12 bit DtoA offset WStepPower=2 '=0 for pulse, =1 for low power, =2 for high power ' RunOption=SZA + Midday SourceOption=Sun + Sky