** Tue Apr 9 15:57:16 2019 Andy Jacobson ** The file "surface.mbl.sf6" is output from a data extension and integration (DEI) run for SF6 copied from Ed Dlugokencky and with the creation code "results.2018-07". It is fixed-width formatted. It is relatively simple to read it into popular analysis software. For R the syntax is simple: mbl <- read.table("surface.mbl.co2") This results in a data frame (matrix-like structure) with 42 columns and 985 rows. The first column is the decimal date, ranging from 1997.5 to 2018.0. Columns 2-42 represent the latitudes 90S to 90N, in even increments of 0.05 sine of latitude. I.e., latitudes <- asin(seq(from=-1,to=1,by=0.05))*180/pi which evaluates to: [1] -90.000000 -71.805128 -64.158067 -58.211669 -53.130102 -48.590378 [7] -44.427004 -40.541602 -36.869898 -33.367013 -30.000000 -26.743684 [13] -23.578178 -20.487315 -17.457603 -14.477512 -11.536959 -8.626927 [19] -5.739170 -2.865984 0.000000 2.865984 5.739170 8.626927 [25] 11.536959 14.477512 17.457603 20.487315 23.578178 26.743684 [31] 30.000000 33.367013 36.869898 40.541602 44.427004 48.590378 [37] 53.130102 58.211669 64.158067 71.805128 90.000000 Each row is for a different time, with 1-Jan-2000 (2000.0) on row 121. Values are in ppt SF6. ** Thu Apr 11 07:47:27 2019 Andy Jacobson ** Specific location from which I got these results: /home/ccg/ed/data_extension/new_py/sf6/flask/results.2018-07