You will do a two part upgrade: first the software, then the firmware. This should take less than 15 min once you have the files on the USB stick. *Getting Ready* (1) From the ftp site: Copy the following four files into the top(root) directory of the USB stick: - NK.bin (application software) - ae33co502.hex, ae33de502.hex, ae33le502.hex (firmware) (2) On the tab of the AE33 note the current versions of the software and firmware (on the lower left of the screen). (3) On the aerosol laptop put a message in saying the AE33 software is being updated. *Software upgrade* 1. Switch on the AE33 (if it's not already on) and stop measurement. The measurement is stopped by going to the tab on the instrument screen and choosing 'Stop'. 2. Insert the USB stick into the front USB slot on the AE33 (either slot). Wait 10 seconds. 3. Go to the tab and choose "Update". 4. This will bring up a window with two options. Choose "Software" upgrade. 5. Wait until the Aethalometer finishes the upgrade (less than a minute). 6. Take the USB stick out of the Aethalometer. 7. The aethalometer will restart (takes ~5min?) and start collecting data - On the tab the numbers will be updating. *Firmware upgrade* 1. Stop the AE33 measurement. The measurement is stopped by going to the tab on the instrument screen and choosing 'Stop'. 2. Insert the USB stick into the front USB slot. Wait 10 seconds. 3. Go to the tab and choose "Update". 4. This will bring up a window with two options. Choose "Firmware" upgrade. 5. Wait until the Aethalometer finishes the upgrade. This can take up to 10 min. (It took less than 5 min on the AE33 in Boulder). When it is done the screen will return to the tab but the instrument will not be sampling. 6. Take the USB stick out of the Aethalometer. 7. Restart the Aethalometer by going to the tab on the instrument screen and choosing 'Start'. 8. Check the tab for the software and firmware versions. software version should now be: firmware version should now be: 518 9. Check that the AE33 aethalometer window on the aerosol laptop is still logging data. Note: you may need to make the blue screen as wide as the laptop screen in order to see the AE33 window.