New Zealand is famous for its hiking trails - they call them 'tracks' and they call hiking 'tramping'. They are starting to do a similar thing with bike rides. They've identified cool rides and they are signposted so you can pretty much ride without a map. The rides are multi-day so they suggest places to stopfor the night depending on how fast you are going and whether you want to camp or live in the lap of luxury. There are companies that will lead you on rides and carry all your baggage for you so it shows up where you are sleeping for the night or you can throw your stuff on the back of a (rental) bike and carry it with you. I did the latter, but stayed in hotels so I didn't have to carry camping gear with me.

The bike ride I did was called 'Alps to Ocean' (A2O). It has 8 segments and I did segments 3-8. I skipped the first two due to time because the Antarctic flight schedule changed after I bought my tickets to NZ.
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Day 1 of the bike trip Twizel to Omerama

Lake Tekapu Lake Pukaki Twizel
Canal Betsy+bike Lake Ohau
Lake Ohau Trail rotate Sheep rotate