The fortran program "fitexy.f" is from "Numerical Recipes". It computes linear regressions for data with errors in both x and y. The input data must be in /users/peter/nrfort/xy.dat, and must have a particular format. The first 5 entries are: 1) Npoints 2) 1 3) sigX 4) sigY 5) 0 They are followed by three columns of data, of with the second and third columns are the x and y values. Currently the program limits you to 10000 data points. If you have more you have to change all occurrences of the parameter NMAX. The program "fitexy.f" uses fixed errors for x and y. For these errors I use 1X the measurement precision (in mixing ratio units). The program "fitexyz.f" uses different errors for each point. For that program the input data file (/users/peter/nrfort/xyz.dat) is a little different. The first 3 entries are (1) Npoints, (2) 1, (3) 0, and there are two additional data columns holding sigX and sigY. The output goes to /users/peter/nrfort/results.NR. The format is: intercept stderr slope stderr CHIsquare Q (Q is the goodness-of-fit probability).