#include //#include #include #include #include #include #include "filter.h" #include "dates.h" #define NINT(t) ((int) ((t<0) ? t-.5 : t+.5)) void errorexit(); int parsearg(); int read_data(); int check_export(); void set_export(); void compute_curves(); void print_coef(); void print_stats(); void print_ampstats(); void print_monthstats(); void get_amplitudes(); static void print_averages (); double xp[MAX_OBS]; /* array holding dates of input data */ double yp[MAX_OBS]; /* array holding mixing ratio of input data */ double sig[MAX_OBS]; /* array holding uncertainties of points in yp array */ int np; /* number of points in xp, yp arrays */ double xfilt[MAX_OBS]; /* dates of filter results, equally spaced */ double smooth[MAX_OBS]; /* short term filter results, equally spaced */ double *smooth2; /* short term filter results, specified at data points */ double trend[MAX_OBS]; /* long term filter results, equally spaced */ double *trend2; /* long term filter results, specified at data points */ double deriv[MAX_OBS]; /* growth rate results, equally spaced */ double *deriv2; /* growth rate results, specified at data points */ double work[MAX_OBS]; /* work array */ int nfilt; /* number of points in xfilt, smooth, trend, deriv */ double **covar; /* covariance matrix from function fit */ /***************************************************************/ static void usage() { printf ("Usage: ccgcrv [OPTION] [FILE]\n\n"); printf (" Filtering Options: \n"); printf (" -npoly num Number of polynomial terms in function.\n"); printf (" -nharm num Number of harmonic terms in function.\n"); printf (" -interv num Sampling interval in days.\n"); printf (" -short num Short-term filter cutoff in days.\n"); printf (" -long num Long-term filter cutoff in days.\n"); printf ("\n"); printf (" Output Options: \n"); printf (" -f file Write output data to file instead of stdout.\n"); printf (" -equal Output data at equal intervals.\n"); printf (" -cal Output dates in calendar format.\n"); printf (" -hr Include hour in calendar format.\n"); printf (" -date yy:mm:dd Output data starting at date.\n"); printf (" -user file Output data based on user supplied dates in file.\n"); printf (" -orig Print original data points.\n"); printf (" -func Print function values.\n"); printf (" -poly Print polynomial values.\n"); printf (" -smooth Print smoothed data.\n"); printf (" -trend Print long term trend values.\n"); printf (" -detrend Print detrended values.\n"); printf (" -smcycle Print smoothed, detrended annual cycle.\n"); printf (" -harm Print values of annual harmonic functions.\n"); printf (" -res Print residuals from the functions.\n"); printf (" -smres Print smoothed residuals from the functions.\n"); printf (" -trres Print long-term smoothed residuals from the function.\n"); printf (" -ressm Print residuals from the smoothed curve.\n"); printf (" -gr Print growth rate values.\n"); printf (" -coef num1,num2 Print coefficients from index num1 to index num2.\n"); printf (" -stats Print table of summary statistics for curve fit.\n"); printf (" -amp Print table of statistics for annual amplitudes.\n"); } /***************************************************************/ int main(argc, argv) int argc; char **argv; { int n, r, hour, minute, second, do_coef = 0; int begcoef, endcoef; char *file = NULL; ExportData export = {0.0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; FilterData filter; int equal=0, syear= -1, smonth= -1, sday= -1; int do_amp = 0, do_mm = 0, do_column = 0; int sample = 0, all=0, unique=0; char userfile[256], outfile1[256], outfile2[256]; FILE *fp; /* set some defaults */ filter.shortterm = 80; filter.longterm = 667; filter.numpolyterms = 3; filter.numharmonics = 4; filter.timezero = -1.0; filter.sampleinterval = 0.0; covar = dmatrix(0, MAX_PARAM, 0, MAX_PARAM); n=1; while (n < argc) { if (strcmp (argv[n], "-npoly") == 0) { r = sscanf (argv[n+1], "%d", &filter.numpolyterms); if (r <= 0) errorexit("Cannot get -npoly argument:\n"); if (filter.numpolyterms < 0 || filter.numpolyterms > 10) errorexit ("Error in -npoly argument: value out of range (0-10) %s\n", argv[n+1]); n++; } else if (strcmp (argv[n], "-nharm") == 0) { r = sscanf (argv[n+1], "%d", &filter.numharmonics); if (r <= 0) errorexit("Cannot get -nharm argument:\n"); if (filter.numharmonics < 0 || filter.numharmonics > 10) errorexit ("Error in -nharm argument: value out of range (0-10) %s\n", argv[n+1]); n++; } else if (strcmp (argv[n], "-interv") == 0) { r = sscanf (argv[n+1], "%f", &filter.sampleinterval); if (r <= 0) errorexit("Cannot get -interv argument:\n"); if (filter.sampleinterval < 0) errorexit ("Error in -interv argument: %s\n", argv[n+1]); n++; } else if (strcmp (argv[n], "-short") == 0) { r = sscanf (argv[n+1], "%d", &filter.shortterm); if (r <= 0) errorexit("Cannot get -short argument:\n"); if (filter.shortterm < 0) errorexit ("Error in -short argument: %s\n", argv[n+1]); n++; } else if (strcmp (argv[n], "-long") == 0) { r = sscanf (argv[n+1], "%d", &filter.longterm); if (r <= 0) errorexit("Cannot get -long argument:\n"); if (filter.longterm < 0) errorexit ("Error in -long argument: %s\n", argv[n+1]); n++; } else if (strcmp (argv[n], "-timez") == 0) { r = sscanf (argv[n+1], "%f", &filter.timezero); if (r <= 0) errorexit("Cannot get -timez argument:\n"); n++; } else if (strcmp (argv[n], "-equal") == 0) { equal = 1; } else if (strcmp (argv[n], "-sample") == 0) { sample = 1; } else if (strcmp (argv[n], "-cal") == 0) { export.cal_format = 1; } else if (strcmp (argv[n], "-hr") == 0) { export.use_hour = 1; } else if (strcmp (argv[n], "-date") == 0) { r = sscanf (argv[n+1], "%d:%d:%d", &syear, &smonth, &sday); if (r <= 0) errorexit("Can not get -date argument:\n"); if (syear < 0 || smonth < 1 || smonth > 12 || sday < 1 || sday > 31) errorexit ("Error in -date argument: %s\n", argv[n+1]); n++; } else if (strcmp (argv[n], "-user") == 0) { r = sscanf (argv[n+1], "%s", userfile); if (r <= 0) errorexit ("Can't read user file name.\n"); n++; export.user = 1; } else if (strcmp (argv[n], "-f") == 0) { r = sscanf (argv[n+1], "%s", outfile2); if (r <= 0) errorexit ("Can't read -f output file name.\n"); n++; export.outfile2 = 1; } else if (strcmp (argv[n], "-s") == 0) { r = sscanf (argv[n+1], "%s", outfile1); if (r <= 0) errorexit ("Can't read -s output file name.\n"); n++; export.outfile1 = 1; } else if (strcmp (argv[n], "-all") == 0) { all = 1; } else if (strcmp (argv[n], "-unique") == 0) { unique=1; } else if (strcmp (argv[n], "-orig") == 0) { export.orig = 1; } else if (strcmp (argv[n], "-func") == 0) { export.func = 1; } else if (strcmp (argv[n], "-poly") == 0) { export.poly = 1; } else if (strcmp (argv[n], "-smooth") == 0) { export.sm = 1; } else if (strcmp (argv[n], "-trend") == 0) { export.tr = 1; } else if (strcmp (argv[n], "-detrend") == 0) { export.detrend = 1; } else if (strcmp (argv[n], "-smcycle") == 0) { export.smcycle = 1; } else if (strcmp (argv[n], "-harm") == 0) { export.harm = 1; } else if (strcmp (argv[n], "-res") == 0) { export.res = 1; } else if (strcmp (argv[n], "-smres") == 0) { export.smres = 1; } else if (strcmp (argv[n], "-trres") == 0) { export.trres = 1; } else if (strcmp (argv[n], "-ressm") == 0) { export.ressm = 1; } else if (strcmp (argv[n], "-gr") == 0) { export.gr = 1; } else if (strcmp (argv[n], "-stats") == 0) { export.stats = 1; } else if (strcmp (argv[n], "-amp") == 0) { do_amp = 1; } else if (strcmp (argv[n], "-mm") == 0) { do_mm = 1; } else if (strcmp (argv[n], "-column") == 0) { do_column = 1; } else if (strcmp (argv[n], "-coef") == 0) { if (parsearg (argv[n+1], &begcoef, &endcoef)!=1) errorexit("Cannot get coefficient range:\n"); do_coef = 1; n++; } else if (strcmp (argv[n], "-h") == 0) { usage(); exit(0); } else { if (argv[n][0] == '-') { fprintf (stderr, "Unknown option %s.\n", argv[n]); usage(); exit (0); } else file = argv[n]; } n++; } read_data(file, &filter); #ifdef DEBUG printf ("%d data points read.\n", np); printf ("sample interval = %f\n", filter.sampleinterval); #endif if (syear < 0 ) GetCalendarDate (xp[0], &syear, &smonth, &sday, &hour, &minute, &second); export.startdate = DateValue (syear, smonth, sday, 12, 0, 0); compute_curves(&filter); export.format = " %.3f"; if (export.user == 0 && equal==0) sample = 1; r = check_export(export, all, unique); if (r != 0) { if (export.outfile1) { fp = fopen (outfile1, "w"); if (fp == NULL) { errorexit ("Can't open file %s for writing.\n", outfile1); } } else { fp = stdout; } set_export (&export, all, unique, 0); if (sample) { export_sample_dates(fp, export, xp, yp, smooth2, trend2, deriv2, np, filter); } if (export.outfile2) { fp = fopen (outfile2, "w"); if (fp == NULL) { errorexit ("Can't open file %s for writing.\n", outfile2); } } else { fp = stdout; } set_export (&export, all, unique, 1); if (export.user) { export_user(userfile, fp, export, xfilt, smooth, trend, deriv, nfilt, filter); } else if (equal) { export_equally_spaced(fp, export, xfilt, smooth, trend, deriv, nfilt, filter); } } if (do_coef) print_coef(begcoef, endcoef, filter); if (export.stats) print_stats(file, filter); if (do_amp) print_ampstats(filter, do_column); if (do_mm) print_monthstats(filter, do_column); exit(0); } /***************************************************************/ int read_data(file, filter) char *file; FilterData *filter; { FILE *fp; char string[BUFSIZ]; int k=0, n, sd, nh; float a[2], diff, sdiff, avginterval; if (file == NULL) fp = stdin; else { fp = fopen (file, "r"); if (fp == NULL) { errorexit ("Can not open file %s.\n", file); } } #ifdef DEBUG if (file==NULL) printf ("reading stdin\n"); else printf ("reading %s\n", file); #endif k=0; sd=0; sdiff=0.0; while ((fgets (string, BUFSIZ, fp)) != NULL) { n=sscanf (string, "%f %f", &a[0], &a[1]); if (n!=2) return (-1); xp[k] = a[0] ; /*+ (1900*(a[0]<100)); */ yp[k] = a[1]; sig[k] = 1.0; if (k>0) { diff = xp[k] - xp[k-1]; sdiff += diff; sd++; } k++; if (k == MAX_OBS) { fprintf (stderr, "Maximum number of data (%d) points reached.", MAX_OBS); break; } } fclose (fp); /* * Calculate the average time interval between data points. * Set the sampleinterval variable if not set on the command line. */ if (filter->sampleinterval == 0) { avginterval = sdiff/sd * 365.0; if (avginterval > 1.0) filter->sampleinterval = (float) NINT(avginterval); else filter->sampleinterval = avginterval; } np=k; /* * If the data is actually an average over a relatively large time period, * such as annual averages, change the number of harmonics to * an appropriate value. */ if (filter->timezero < 0) { filter->timezero = (int) xp[0]; /*-1900; */ } nh = (int) 365.0/(filter->sampleinterval*2); if (nh < filter->numharmonics) { filter->numharmonics = nh; } return (0); } /***************************************************************/ /* *---------------------------------------------------------------- * Call should be of the form errorexit(format, arg1, arg2, ...) * * format is a standard c format string * and arg1, arg2 ... are the arguments to the format string. * * Note this routine requires the inclusion of . * *---------------------------------------------------------------- */ void errorexit( va_alist ) va_dcl { va_list p_args; char *fmt; va_start( p_args ); /* Initialize argument pointer. */ fmt = va_arg(p_args, char *); if (fmt != NULL) vfprintf( stderr, fmt, p_args ); /* Print error message. */ va_end( p_args ); /* Clean up pointer list handling. */ exit(1); } /************************************************************************/ void compute_curves (filter) FilterData *filter; { int i; double t, u, p; float ave; /* if ((xp[np-1]-xp[0]) < 2.0) filter->numpolyterms=2; */ /* compute filter * subtract date specified for time = 0 first, so that * coefficients of function fit are relative to this time. * Then add back this date so that arrays are relative to actual date */ for (i=0; itimezero; /* if (i < 10) printf ("%d %f\n",i, work[i]); */ } filter_data (work, yp, sig, np, filter->shortterm, filter->longterm, filter->sampleinterval, filter->numpolyterms, filter->numharmonics, filter->pm, covar, &filter->numpm, xfilt, smooth, trend, deriv, &nfilt, &filter->varf1, &filter->varf2, &filter->chisq, &filter->rsd1); filter->funcvar = (float) varnce(covar, filter->numpm, xfilt[0]); for (i=0; itimezero; /* compute smoothed results at every data point */ if (smooth2) free(smooth2); smooth2 = calloc (np, sizeof(double)); spline_f (xfilt, smooth, nfilt, xp, smooth2, work, np); /* compute trend results at every data point */ if (trend2) free(trend2); trend2 = calloc (np, sizeof(double)); spline_f (xfilt, trend, nfilt, xp, trend2, work, np); /* compute deriv results at every data point */ if (deriv2) free(deriv2); deriv2 = calloc (np, sizeof(double)); spline_f (xfilt, deriv, nfilt, xp, deriv2, work, np); for (i=0; itimezero; u = userfunc (filter->pm, t, filter->numharmonics, filter->numpolyterms); /* polynomial + harmonics */ p = polyv(filter->pm, t, filter->numpolyterms); /* polynomial only */ work[i] = yp[i] - (u + smooth2[i]); /* residuals from smooth curve */ } /* calculate the standard deviation of the residuals about the smooth curve */ means (work, &ave, &filter->rsd2, np); } /**********************************************************************************/ void print_coef(beg, end, filter) int beg, end; FilterData filter; { int i, e; e = (end > filter.numpm) ? filter.numpm : end; for (i=beg; i<=e; i++) printf (" %.6f", filter.pm[i]); printf ("\n"); } /***********************************************************************/ int parsearg (arg, beg, end) char *arg; int *beg, *end; /* get beginning and ending records from option argument. First argument must be a number, followed by a single character as a separator. Non valid characters are 0-9, *, ;. The last argument can be either a number or an *, in which case the end record is set to a large value, and the end of file is caught in the readdata routine */ { char b2[4]; int n, b1; n=sscanf (arg, "%d%*[^0123456789*]%[0123456789*]", &b1, b2); if (n == 1) { *beg = b1; *end = b1; return (1); } *beg = b1; if (strcmp(b2,"*") != 0) { n=sscanf (b2,"%d",&b1); if (n != 1) return (-1); *end = b1; } return (1); } /****************************************************************/ void print_stats(file, filter) char *file; FilterData filter; { #define rad *180.0/M_PI /* radians to degrees conversion */ int i, j, ix; double a, b, c, siga, sigtheta; FILE *fp; int year, month, day, hour, minute, second; if (np == 0) { printf ("No data points. No Statistics available."); return; } fp=stdout; GetCalendarDate(filter.timezero, &year, &month, &day, &hour, &minute, &second); fprintf (fp, "***** Filter Statistics. *****\n\n"); if (file != NULL) fprintf (fp, "File: %s\n\n", file); fprintf (fp, "Beginning date: %.6f\n",xp[0]); fprintf (fp, "Ending date: %.6f\n",xp[np-1]); fprintf (fp, "Number of data points: %d\n\n",np); fprintf (fp, "FUNCTION PARAMETERS\n"); fprintf (fp, "Time = 0 on %d/%d/%d\n" ,year, month, day); fprintf (fp, "Number of polynomial terms: %d\n",filter.numpolyterms); fprintf (fp, "Number of harmonic terms: %d\n",filter.numharmonics); fprintf (fp, "Total Number of parameters: %d\n",filter.numpm); fprintf (fp, "------------------------------------------------------\n"); fprintf (fp, "Parameter Value Standard Deviation\n"); for (i=0; iorig = 1; export->func = 1; export->poly = 1; export->sm = 1; export->tr = 1; export->detrend = 1; export->smcycle = 1; export->harm = 1; export->res = 1; export->smres = 1; export->trres = 1; export->ressm = 1; export->gr = 1; } if (unique) { if (which == 0) { /* sample dates */ export->orig = 1; export->func = 0; export->poly = 0; export->sm = 0; export->tr = 0; export->detrend = 1; export->smcycle = 0; export->harm = 0; export->res = 1; export->smres = 0; export->trres = 0; export->ressm = 1; export->gr = 0; } if (which == 1) { export->orig = 0; export->func = 1; export->poly = 1; export->sm = 1; export->tr = 1; export->detrend = 0; export->smcycle = 1; export->harm = 1; export->res = 0; export->smres = 1; export->trres = 1; export->ressm = 0; export->gr = 1; } } } /****************************************************************/ void print_ampstats(filter, do_column) FilterData filter; int do_column; { int i, na, yr, mm1, mm2, dd1, dd2, hr, nc1, nc2; int m, s; float a; float xwork[200], datemin[200], datemax[200], c1[200], c2[200]; float ampmin[200], ampmax[200]; FILE *fp; char s1[10], s2[10]; static char *mon[] = { "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" }; if (np == 0) { printf ("No data points. No Statistics available."); return; } get_amplitudes (filter, xwork, ampmin, ampmax, datemin, datemax, &na, c1, c2, &nc1, &nc2); fp=stdout; if (!do_column) { fprintf (fp, "***** Season Cycle Statistics. *****\n\n"); fprintf (fp, " Year Amplitude Maximum Date Minimum Date\n"); fprintf (fp, "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"); for (i=0; i nc2) ? nc1 : nc2; for (i=0; i amax) {amax = a; dmax = xfilt[i];} if (a < amin) {amin = a; dmin = xfilt[i];} if (ta < 0.0 && a >= 0.0) { cdateup[nd1] = xfilt[i]; nd1++; } if (ta > 0.0 && a <= 0.0) { cdatedown[nd2] = xfilt[i]; nd2++; } ta = a; } ampmin[na] = amin; ampmax[na] = amax; d_max[na] = dmax; d_min[na] = dmin; x[na] = tyear; na++; *n = na; *nc1 = nd1; *nc2 = nd2; } /********************************************************************/ void print_monthstats(filter, do_column) FilterData filter; int do_column; { int year, hour, month, day, i, tyear, j; float annsum, sum[12], a, t; int count[12], anncount, min, sec; FILE *fp; double u; for (i=0; i<12; i++) { sum[i] = 0.0; count[i] = 0; } annsum = 0.0; anncount = 0; fp=stdout; if (!do_column) { fprintf (fp, "YEAR | JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC ANNUAL\n"); fprintf (fp,"================================================================================================================\n"); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- * find appropriate month for each data point, * and sum up. After each year, print monthly averages * ----------------------------------------------------------------*/ tyear = (int) xfilt[0]; for (i=0; i