WRF runs -possible alternative domain configuration that is moved a bit more east -1 day test run, sample namelist files, namelist input and outputs that differ from version to version -working on reproducing Marikate's archive files -special observations for verification -merra2 reanalysis boundary conditions & nudging -using NNRP soil moisture - ncep/ncar reanalysis -NAS only used 11% of allocation so far -Colm has a call with John Henderson @ 11 to discuss Arctic test runs for 2016 Fluxes for WRF-CHEM -working with Chris W's fluxes, ensemble mean, regridding -next up temporal downscaling & pre-processor to get emissions prepared for WRF-CHEM (ncdf, headers, etc) -our datasets are not standard, there are some tools like Brazilian prep-chem-source, Mike is using this with EDGAR as a model -temporal downscaling, Yu Zhou does have method for generating 3-hourly fluxes & will post summer of 2016 ACT, she will post when she returns from vacation -Lei will work on a simple strategy to modify Olson & Randerson downscaling -Mike will get updated WRF configuration information to enable WRF-CHEM benchmarking -our nominal goal is to have some runs to show at ACT science team meeting week of July 10 Met Data for WRF evaluation -Boundary layer height data from CSD -WFIP2 -INFLUX -ARM Oklahoma -various datasets -Sandip from PSU has vertical profile data -- Bianca will ping him -contact Laura Bianco about radar profiles (or someone else) -fuzzy-logic algorithms, not sure what is routinely available -PSU used for INFLUX (maybe assimilated them?) -- Arlyn will follow up by email with Thomas L /Sha -AER uses "prep-buffer" obs files that are used at NCEP, raobs, METARS, some aircraft data, ACARS profile data from MADIS -thomas will summarize what they usually use before next meeting -check in with Dave Turner about what other datasets might exist & data quality issues & can we use his format -check in with Mark Govett about whether there are other sites besides Oklahoma that have mid-day radiosondes -bianca will look at sample format file from John Henderson -what Alaska flights might be useful to look at the Arctic in our new runs -- aircraft data from "NSA campaign", ATOM met data? HYSPLIT on Theia: -test cases: (1) all NOAA flasks 2007 - present, start with 2010 (2) ACT 1 time period -NAMS meteorology starts 2010-03-29 with a few missing files (e.g. 2010-08-05, 2010-12-02, 2010-12-03, perhaps others) -Kirk is working on running all flasks starting with 2010, will probably run at least 2010 with both NAMS and NAM12 -Chris Loughner advises to run with version 956 and using the TKE parameterization (KBLT=3). If possible it would be good to also run with Kantha Clayson (KBLT=2) Isaac's summer project -investigate which earth networks data are most complementary to our network -can perhaps leverage and/or advance efforts to link Lei's and Ivar's approaches -we should conserve prior uncertainty on some aggregated temporal/spatial scale when varying length of state vector and switching between multiplicative versus additive corrections