@ECHO OFF IF NOT "%1" == "" GOTO DRIVE :USAGE ECHO To install SUNTRAKR software: ECHO create the directory into which you wish to install the software. ECHO make the drive & directory containing this batch file the current directory ECHO Then enter ECHO INSTALL {dest} ECHO where {dest} is the drive:directory containing or to contain the ECHO SUNTRAKR software. For example: ECHO INSTALL C:\2AP ECHO installs from the floppy into the 2AP subdirectory on C: GOTO DONE :DRIVE IF EXIST %1NUL GOTO :ENDSLASH IF EXIST %1\NUL GOTO :NOSLASH MD %1 IF EXIST %1NUL GOTO :ENDSLASH IF EXIST %1\NUL GOTO :NOSLASH GOTO :USAGE :NOSLASH XCOPY *.* %1\*.* /s/e GOTO :INSTALD :ENDSLASH XCOPY *.* %1*.* /s/e :INSTALD ECHO The standard SUNTRAKR utilities have been installed. ECHO Installation is completed. ECHO Be sure to read the file README.TXT before proceeding :DONE