GML Data Finder

Use this web page to find specific data files available from the Global Monitoring Laboratory. Click on the Data button under the 'Data' column heading in the table to go to the description and download page for that dataset.

Select from the following lists to narrow your search.
Discrete (1)
ACT (1)
  or enter search term:
1 Datasets filtered from 5335 originally. Reset all Filters

Displaying [1 - 1] of 1 records.    
Dataset Number Site Category Parameter Type Frequency Year Data
Atmospheric Carbon and Transport - America, United States (ACT)
PFTPA measurements from aircraft air samples collected in glass flasks at Atmospheric Carbon and Transport - America, United States.
Halocompounds Perfluorotripropylamine (PFTPA)
Aircraft PFP Discrete Multiple Data
Displaying [1 - 1] of 1 records.    

Dataset list last updated on 27 January 2025
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