Solar Geometry Calculator


Local UTC     SolarZen and Elev Uncorrected for Atmospheric Refaction
yyyy MM dd HH:mm  
2024 07 17 01:00  
2024 07 17 02:00  
2024 07 17 03:00  
2024 07 17 04:00  
2024 07 17 05:00  
2024 07 17 06:00  
2024 07 17 07:00  
2024 07 17 08:00  
2024 07 17 09:00  
2024 07 17 10:00  
2024 07 17 11:00  
2024 07 17 12:00  
2024 07 17 13:00  
2024 07 17 14:00  
2024 07 17 15:00  
2024 07 17 16:00  
2024 07 17 17:00  
2024 07 17 18:00  
2024 07 17 19:00  
2024 07 17 20:00  
2024 07 17 21:00  
2024 07 17 22:00  
2024 07 17 23:00  
2024 07 18 00:00  
2024 07 18 01:00  

-90.0 to +90.0, Negative for South, Positive for North.

-180.0 to +180.0, Negative for East, Positive for West.

Start Date:
Enter start date in the format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm [UTC]

End Date:
Enter end date in the format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm [UTC]

The internal (in seconds) between successive solar calculations.

Date Format:
yyyy/MM-dd_DDD hh:mm:ss aa
Air mass
If the sun is below the horizon, Air mass = -1.0000. Toggle the checkbox to enable/disable column in report.

Air mass Calculation
Airmass = 1.0/(cos(90 - elev) + 0.50572 * (6.07995 + elev)-1.6364)

Solar Zenith Angle
Solar elevation in Degrees from zenith (90°). Angles are corrected for atmospheric diffraction. Toggle the checkbox to enable/disable column in report.

Solar elevation in Degrees above horizon (0 degrees). Angles are corrected for atmospheric diffraction. Toggle the checkbox to enable/disable column in report.

Sun azimuth, 0° = N, 90° = E, 180° = S, 270° = W. Toggle the checkbox to enable/disable column in report.