Solar Geometry Calculator


Local UTC     SolarZen and Elev Uncorrected for Atmospheric Refaction
yyyy MM dd HH:mm      AirMass   SolarZen       Elev       Azim
2024 07 06 21:00      1.15293   29.91712   60.08288  242.99983
2024 07 06 22:00      1.31863   40.75616   49.24384  258.07939
2024 07 06 23:00      1.62670   52.16257   37.83743  268.98041
2024 07 07 00:00      2.23943   63.61866   26.38134  278.19684
2024 07 07 01:00      3.75756   74.82480   15.17520  286.91622
2024 07 07 02:00     10.91750   85.51820    4.48180  295.85834
2024 07 07 03:00     -1.00000   95.39579   -5.39579  305.57513
2024 07 07 04:00     -1.00000  104.06559  -14.06559  316.54231
2024 07 07 05:00     -1.00000  111.02033  -21.02033  329.11375
2024 07 07 06:00     -1.00000  115.66796  -25.66796  343.33401
2024 07 07 07:00     -1.00000  117.47282  -27.47282  358.69667
2024 07 07 08:00     -1.00000  116.18671  -26.18671   14.15996
2024 07 07 09:00     -1.00000  111.98908  -21.98908   28.62902
2024 07 07 10:00     -1.00000  105.38360  -15.38360   41.49260
2024 07 07 11:00     -1.00000   96.96634   -6.96634   52.71697
2024 07 07 12:00     15.19891   87.26366    2.73634   62.62082
2024 07 07 13:00      4.24943   76.68643   13.31357   71.66706
2024 07 07 14:00      2.40196   65.55028   24.44972   80.39351
2024 07 07 15:00      1.70214   54.12146   35.87854   89.48061
2024 07 07 16:00      1.35871   42.68703   47.31297  100.00405
2024 07 07 17:00      1.17456   31.70831   58.29169  114.13804
2024 07 07 18:00      1.08030   22.30407   67.69593  136.98651
2024 07 07 19:00      1.04848   17.57305   72.42695  176.10607
2024 07 07 20:00      1.07097   21.05109   68.94891  217.62840
2024 07 07 21:00      1.15349   29.96545   60.03455  242.78605

-90.0 to +90.0, Negative for South, Positive for North.

-180.0 to +180.0, Negative for East, Positive for West.

Start Date:
Enter start date in the format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm [UTC]

End Date:
Enter end date in the format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm [UTC]

The internal (in seconds) between successive solar calculations.

Date Format:
yyyy/MM-dd_DDD hh:mm:ss aa
Air mass
If the sun is below the horizon, Air mass = -1.0000. Toggle the checkbox to enable/disable column in report.

Air mass Calculation
Airmass = 1.0/(cos(90 - elev) + 0.50572 * (6.07995 + elev)-1.6364)

Solar Zenith Angle
Solar elevation in Degrees from zenith (90°). Angles are corrected for atmospheric diffraction. Toggle the checkbox to enable/disable column in report.

Solar elevation in Degrees above horizon (0 degrees). Angles are corrected for atmospheric diffraction. Toggle the checkbox to enable/disable column in report.

Sun azimuth, 0° = N, 90° = E, 180° = S, 270° = W. Toggle the checkbox to enable/disable column in report.