New Views of the Oceanic Carbon Cycle from Autonomous Explorers
Date: Tuesday, September 27 @ 11:45:00 MDT
Topic: The Fate of Fossil-Fuel Emissions

By Jim Bishop

A new paradigm for ocean carbon observations is emerging with the rapid advances in autonomous measurements of carbon systems with the success of robotic ocean profiling Carbon Explorers, autonomous sensors for particulate organic and inorganic carbon (POC and PIC), and new instruments which will measure year-long high frequency records of POC and PIC sedimentation in the very observation-poor but biologically-active upper kilometers of the ocean. The new observing capability described here is critical for improved prediction of the substantial biotic carbon flows in the ocean. There are excellent prospects for an enhanced ocean carbon observing system fully capable of autonomous real time monitoring, measurement, and verification of ocean carbon sequestration.

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This article comes from The 7th International CO2 Conference Web Site

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