CPD3’s low level configuration can be represented as a series of text based configurations.

The configuration itself has a specific structure that is used to determine how the configuration is constructed. After that structure, each individual value is represented using a text based syntax.

All configuration belongs to the CONFIGURATION archive, with the defaults being in the default station with station specific specializations in their respective stations. The actual component of the system being configured is selected by the variable name of the data. For example, acquisition for the realtime acquisition system.

If the command line interface is available, the current configuration can be accessed with da.config.text.

da.config.text bnd acquisition 1d now

Acquisition System

This subsystem of CPD3 is what is used to acquire realtime data from connected instruments and to transfer that data back for processing and archiving.

The primary configuration for the acquisition system is contained in the variable acquisition. In addition to the full reference there are examples for components of the configuration.

Additional display settings for realtime data are defined in the realtime variable.

Graphical Display

This subsystem of CPD3 is what handles the display of the interactive graphical plots and editing.

The primary configuration for the displays are contained in the variable displays.

Automatic Processing

There are various subsystems in CPD3 that handle automatic data processing and product generation. Most of the automatic processing is originally started by tasks configured in the variable tasks.

Automatic email reports of processed data are generated from the email variable configuration.

Data QA/QC and standard corrections are handled by the editing system using the configuration in the variable editing. Removal of contaminated data (e.g. valid but not representative of site conditions) is controlled by the variable contamination.

The configuration for automatic, usually web visible, plot generation is in the variable update_plots. Manual output of CPD2 style records is configured with the output_cpd2 variable. Automatic file generation for EBAS formatted files is controlled by the ebas variable. NetCDF file generation is controlled by the netcdf variable. Output to external relational SQL databases is configured with the sqldb variable. The automatic calls to these program and their output handling is configured with the upload variable.

EBAS data import and automatic fetching is configured with the import_ebas variable.

Remote acquisition data automatic transfer to the central server is controlled with the transfer variable.

Bidirectional synchronization for all modes is configured with the synchronize variable.