A dynamic single value input is a means of specifying a single real valued input to a calculation. This consists of a selection from the data, a calibration applied to it and a fallback constant value. In that configuration, the data value is read first, the calibration applied and if the result is defined, that is the final value. If the result is not defined, then the fallback constant value is returned. An alternative configuration is simply a constant value that ignores all input data.

The structure of the time interval itself is a hash map type with keys specifying the above components.


The variable input from the data stream, before calibration. In most contexts, the station and archive are implied, so only a variable needs to be specified.


The text specifying the path within the variable to look up. For example, this can be used to select a specific index with an array by setting it to #3.


The calibration applied to the data input.


The real number result returned if no valid value is available from the data after path and calibration application. This is used to provide a fallback value for when the dynamic values in the data are unavailable.


If this real number is defined, then it is always the result. That is, when this value is always the result and all inputs from data are ignored.

An alternative form of the input sometimes used is simply a single real number. This is equivalent to setting the Constant option above. That is, when the input is a single real number, then that real number is always returned.

Basic data input
Calibrated data input with fallback
Final value from a complex type
Constant value
Constant alternate form