A gradient is a means of mapping real numbers to colors. For example, the color in a time series trace of binned size distribution is determined by a gradient applied to the counts.

There are several standard gradients available as well as the capability to define a custom one. Custom gradients are controlled by defining keyframe colors at specific points in the gradient. The output color is then the interpolation of the two bracketing color definitions.

The gradient type is selected with the enumeration value Type:

Sequential or Default

The default standard gradient suitable for sequential data. This is best for data that covers the whole range with equal importance. It also provides visibility even with reduced color perception.

Diverging or Diverge

A gradient suitable for data that diverges. This gradient exaggerates the difference between the limits of the data, with reduced difference near the middle of the range. It also provides visibility even with reduced color perception.


A gradient that spans a wide spectrum of colors. This is suitable for making very colorful plots, with some reduction in visibility with reduced color perception.

AlternateRainbow or AltRainbow

An alternate form of a spectrum spanning gradient, with the same limitations


A manual gradient definition. This form of gradient requires specific points in the normalized [0,1] space to be assigned to colors. The output color is then the interpolation between the two color points that bracket the original input value.


A keyframe mapping the normalized value [0,1] to the output color.


An enumeration specifying the color model the interpolation is performed in.


Interpolate the red, green, and blue components.


Interpolate the hue, saturation, and value components.


Interpolate the hue, saturation, and lightness components.


Interpolate the cyan, magenta, yellow, and black components.


An interpolation model defining how the interpolation is performed, if not purely linear.

Basic sequential
Example gradient
Diverging data
Example gradient
Rainbow gradient
Example gradient
Alternate rainbow gradient
Example gradient
Manual gradient from red to green then to blue
Example gradient