CCGvu Toolbars

The Toolbars contain shortcuts to the Menu items.

File Toolbar

The items on this toolbar are:

Open - Open a new dataset.

Export - Exports various data sets based on the results of the curve fitting.

Print - Set print parameters or send a plot of the current graph to specified printer.

Zoom Toolbar

This toolbar allows zooming and panning of the current graph.

Autoscale - Return the graph to its internal automatic scaling.

Zoom - User defined zoom area. After selecting this item, the user drags out a rectangle for the new axis limits.

Zoom In - Move the graph limits in on both axes 1 tic unit.

Zoom Out - Move the graph limits out on both axes 1 tic unit.

Zoom In Vertical - Move the graph limits in on the Y axis 1 tic unit.

Zoom Out Vertical - Move the graph limits out on the Y axis 1 tic unit.

Zoom In Horizontal - Move the graph limits in on the X axis 1 tic unit.

Zoom Out Horizontal - Move the graph limits out on the X axis 1 tic unit.

Pan Left - Move the graph limits of the X axis to the left 1 tic unit.

Pan Right - Move the graph limits of the X axis to the right 1 tic unit.

Pan Up - Move the graph limits of the Y axis up 1 tic unit.

Pan Down - Move the graph limits of the Y axis down 1 tic unit.

Grid Toolbar

Grid - Select this button to show grid lines on the graph.

Minor Grid - Select this button to include minor grid lines on the graph.

Grid Color - Select the color for the grid lines.

Grid Width - Select the width of the grid lines.

Grid Line Type - Select the type of lines for the grid.

Grid X Axis - Select the X axis to map grid lines.

Grid Y Axis - Select the Y axis to map grid lines.