
W. D. Komhyr
Prepared for the World Meteorological Organization Global Ozone Research and Monitoring Project

June, 1980

Table of Contents
Page (from original report) Foreword 1. Introduction 1 2. Ozone Measurement Principle and Theory 1 2.1 Total Ozone Observations 1 2.2 Ozone Vertical Distribution (Umkehr) Observations 4 2.3 Principle of Operation of the Spectrophotometer 4 3. Calibration of a Dobson Spectrophotometer 6 3.1 Relative Calibration 6 3.1.1 Adjustment of the Optics 7 3.1.2 Q Calibration 7 3.1.3 Optical Wedge Calibration 7 3.2 Absolute Calibration 8 3.3 Maintaining a Spectrophotometer in Calibration 8 4. Routine Spectrophotometer Tests and Maintenance 9 4.1 Purpose of Spectrophotometer Tests 9 4.2 Frequency of Tests 9 4.3 Recording of Test Data 9 4.4 Test Procedures 9 4.4.1 Mercury Lamp Tests 11 4.4.2 Standard Lamp Tests 12 4.4.3 Wedge Calibration Tests 16 4.4.4 Sensitivity Tests 18 5. Instrument Maintenance and Repair 19 5.1 Adjustment of Instrument Electronics 19 5.2 Decrease in Shutter-Motor Speed 20 5.3 Phase-Sensitive Signal Rectification 20 5.4 Cleaning the Commutator 21 5.5 Radio-Frequency Pickup 22 5.6 Mechanical Shock Avoidance 23 5.7 Instrument Temperature Control 23 5.8 Renewing the Desiccant 23 5.9 Cleaning Optical Components 23 5.10 Exposure of Photomultiplier to Intense Light 24 5.11 Replacing Standard Lamps 24 5.12 Replacing a Photomultiplier Tube 25 6. Observations 27 6.1 Observation Shelters 27 6.2 Observations of Total Ozone Amount 27 6.2.1 Observation Types 27 6.2.2 Times of Routine Ozone Measurements 29 6.2.3 Recording Observational Data 31 6.2.4 Observing Methods 31 AD-DSGQP Observations 33 AD-DSGQP* Observations 36 CD-DSGQP Observations 36 AD-ZB Observations 36 AD-ZC Observations 36 CD-ZB and CD-ZC Observations 36 CC'-ZB and CC'-ZC Observations 37 AD-DSFI and CD-DSFI Observations 37 AD-RMFI and CD-RMFI Observations 38 6.3 Umkehr Observations 38 6.3.1 Observing Times 39 6.3.2 Recording Observational Data 39 6.3.3 Observing Procedures 39 6.4 Special Observations 42 6.4.1 Observations Made to Check the Spectrophotometer Calibration at A, C, and D Wavelengths 42 6.4.2 Observations Made to Correct Empirical Charts 42 6.4.3 Determination of Focused Image Corrections 43 6.4.4 Multiplying Factors Used in Reducing CDDSGQP Values to the ADDSGQP Level 43 7. Reduction of Ozone Data 44 7.1 Calculations of Total Ozone from Measurements on Direct Sun or Moon 44 7.1.1 Ozone Absorption Coefficients 45 7.1.2 Rayleigh Scattering Coefficients 47 7.1.3 Particle Scattering Coefficients 47 7.1.4 Computation of mu 47 7.1.5 Values of m and p/po 49 7.1.6 Computation of Cos Z for Sun and Moon 50 7.2 Calculation of Ozone Amounts from Measurements on the Clear Zenith Sky 50 7.2.1 AD-ZB Observation 50 7.2.2 CD-ZB Observations 52 7.2.3 CC'-ZB Observations 52 7.3 Calculation of Ozone Amounts from Measurements on the Cloudy Zenith Sky 56 7.3.1 AD-ZC Observations 56 7.3.2 CD-ZC Observations 57 7.3.3 CC'-ZC Observations 57 7.4 Reduction of Umkehr Data 57 8. Coding and Archiving Ozone Data 59 8.1 Coding Total Ozone Data for Publication 59 8.2 Coding Umkehr Data for Processing and Publication 59 References 64 Acknowledgements 65 Appendix A. Determination of Q Setting Tables for Standard Wavelengths 66 Appendix B. Correctingthe Table of Settings of Q 73 Appendix C. Calibration of the Dobson Spectrophotometer Optical Wedge 75 Appendix D. Calibrating a Spectrophotometer on an Absolute Scale 85 Appendix E. Determination of Corrections to N Tables from Standard Lamp Test Data 92 Appendix F. Computation of Cos Z and, mu for Sun and Moon 94 Appendix G. Tables Used in Computing mu 108 Appendix H. Introduction to Principles of Astronomy 116 Appendix I. Concept of Time 122