McMurdo Station, Antarctica

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McMurdo Station, Antarctica

Angles:   BG:

Latitude:77°50' S
Longitude:166°40' E
Elevation:183 Meters ASL
Date Installed:March 1988
Solar Season:August-April
Instrumentation:SUV-100, GUV-511, PSP, TUVR

McMurdo Station is located on the southern tip of Ross Island and has had a long history in Antarctic exploration. The research station is operated year-round, but is normally accessible only between October and February with the exception of a short series of flights in early September or late August ("WinFly").

The spectroradiometer system at McMurdo Station is located in the roof of the facility at Arrival Heights (the white building shown in Images #2 above right), in the hills above the main base. The instrument is inspected can calibrated bi-monthly by research associates from Antarctic Support Contractor (ASC), weather permitting. Data are transferred to Boulder CO, automatically via the Internet.

Image Courtesy BSI.