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| Long-term consequences of continued carbon dioxide emission to the atmosphere | |
by Ken Caldeira
Continued emissions of carbon dioxide to the
atmosphere will affect climate and ocean chemistry. These consequences can be
anticipated by consideration of basic physical principles, past climates, and
calculations. Emission of 5,000 PgC (= amount of carbon in conventional fossil-fuel
resources) over a few centuries could produce radiative forcing of climate of
about 10 W m-2 which could be expected to produce global mean
warming of ~4 to 12 °C.
Link to abstract UPDATED! Link to slides
Posted by admin on Monday, September 26 @ 09:30:00 MDT (1240 reads)
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| The Global Effort to Understand Carbon Dioxide | |
by James R. Mahoney
Dr. Mahoney is the director of the U.S. Climate Change Research Program
and Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere and NOAA
Deputy Administrator; will be giving his opening remarks at this
Link to Slides
Posted by admin on Monday, September 26 @ 09:00:00 MDT (1390 reads)
| Opening Announcements | |
Posted by admin on Monday, September 26 @ 08:45:00 MDT (921 reads)
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