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National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration  Popular
Description: Although NOAA was formed in 1970, the agencies that came together at that time are among the oldest in the Federal Government. The agencies included the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey formed in 1807, the Weather Bureau formed in 1870, and the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries formed in 1871. Individually these organizations were America's first physical science agency, America's first agency dedicated specifically to the atmospheric sciences, and America's first conservation agency. Much of America's scientific heritage resides in these agencies. They brought their cultures of scientific accuracy and precision, stewardship of resources, and protection of life and property to the newly formed agency.
Added on: 13-Jul-2005 Hits: 129 Rating: 8.0 (1 Vote)
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Category: Conference Partners

Cooperative Institute or Research in Environmental Sciences  Popular
Description: CIRES is an internationally recognized leader in innovative earth system sciene research committed to integrating its findings to improve education and public awareness.  We conduct research and education that improves our understanding of the earth system.  Since 1967, the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences has provided a productive setting for collaborative research and teaching in the wide-ranging disciplines of the environmental sciences.
Added on: 20-Jul-2005 Hits: 127

Category: Conference Partners

National Center for Atmospheric Research  Popular
Description: NCAR is a federally funded research and development center.  Together with our partners at universities and research centers, we are dedicated to exploring and understanding our atmosphere and its interactions with the Sun, the oceans, the biosphere, and human society.

Added on: 20-Jul-2005 Hits: 116

Category: Conference Partners

Integrating Worldwide CO2 Flux Measurements  Popular

FLUXNET, a "network of regional networks," coordinates regional and global analysis of observations from micrometeorological tower sites. The flux tower sites use eddy covariance methods to measure the exchanges of carbon dioxide (CO2), water vapor, and energy between terrestrial ecosystems and the atmosphere.

At present, over 250 tower sites are operating on a long-term and continuous basis. Researchers also collect data on site vegetation, soil, hydrologic, and meteorological characteristics at the tower sites. To search for flux or site characteristics data, choose "Obtain Data" from the menu above.

Added on: 09-Aug-2005 Hits: 79

Category: Climate Related Information

Global Warming Facts & Our Future  Popular

Climate Warming Is a Global Problem

But the impacts and potential solutions will affect us locally and in many different ways. The challenge for each of us and for our policy makers is to pursue effective responses that are as fair as possible to all people and nations.

In this exhibition the National Academies provide scientific information to help us make informed decisions and to help answer some important questions.

Added on: 12-Aug-2005 Hits: 79

Category: Climate Related Information

NOAA Carbon Cycle Interactive Atmospheric Data Visualizaiton  Popular
Description: This data exploration tool enables visitors to

  • View all data including near real-time preliminary NOAA / CCGG measurement results.
  • Obtain details about each sampling location.
  • Manipulate and compare NOAA / CCGG data sets.
  • Create custom graphs.
  • View their plots on-line with an option to save figures locally for later use.

  • Added on: 20-Jul-2005 Hits: 70

    Category: Climate Related Information

    The Warming of the Earth  Popular
    Description: This page is based on a brief synopsis of the 2001 report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, and the National Research Councils 2001 report Climate Change Science: An Analysis of Some Key Questions, as well as NCDCs own data resources.
    Added on: 12-Aug-2005 Hits: 70

    Category: Climate Related Information

    Finnish Meteorological Institute  Popular
    Description: The predecessor of the Finnish Meteorological Institute, the Magnetic Observatory of Helsinki University, was founded as early as 1838.

    Meteorological observations were included in the work of the Observatory from the very beginning; later, in 1881, the Society of Sciences assumed responsibility for the operations, and official name was changed to the Meteorological Central Office, under which name the Institute began to prepare daily weather information for the newspapers of Helsinki in 1885.

    In 1919 the FMI became a research institute under the Ministry of Agriculture and later on, in 1968, it was transferred to the Ministry of Transport and Communications.

    Added on: 28-Jul-2005 Hits: 58

    Category: Attendee Organizations

    Carbon Cycle Science Program  Popular
    Description: The USGCRP budget includes $221 million in FY 2002 for research and observations related to understanding the global carbon cycle. Carbon is important as the basis for thefood and fiber that sustain human populations, as the primary energy source that fuels human economies, and as a major contributor to the planetary greenhouse effect and the potential for climate change. Carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) concentration have been increasing in the atmosphere, primarily as a result of human use of fossil fuels and land clearing, and are now higher than they have been for at least 400,000 years. Of the CO2 emitted to the atmosphere, about half is currently taken up as part of the natural cycling of carbon into the ocean, and into land plants and soils. These reservoirs of carbon are known as carbon “sinks.” Changes in land management practices and the addition of CO2 and nutrients are known to have the potential to enhance significantly the uptake of carbon, particularly by forests and croplands.
    Added on: 09-Aug-2005 Hits: 51

    Category: Climate Related Information

    Charles David Keeling: 1928-2005  Popular
    Description: Charles David Keeling, the world's leading authority on atmospheric greenhouse gas accumulation and climate science pioneer at Scripps Institution of Oceanography since 1956, died of a heart attack on June 20, 2005 while at his Montana home. He was 77 years old.
    Added on: 25-Sep-2005 Hits: 50

    Category: Climate Related Information

    NOAA Paleoclimatology Program 
    Description: NOAA works closely with the international PAGES/ CLIVAR initiative to improve our understanding of societally relevant climate variability and our ability to predict future climate change. NOAA contributes to the PAGES/CLIVAR initiative by supporting the World Data Center for Paleoclimatology, and by providing extramural support (jointly with the National Science Foundation) for the Earth System History Program area of special emphasis on paleoclimate variability
    Added on: 08-Aug-2005 Hits: 49

    Category: Attendee Organizations

    Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research (AWI) 
    Description: Polar and Marine research are central themes of Global system and Environmental Science. The Alfred Wegener Institute conducts research in the Arctic, the Antarctic and at temperate latitudes. It coordinates Polar research in Germany and provides both the necessary equipment and the essential logistic back up for polar expeditions. Recent additional research themes include North Sea Research, contributions to Marine Biological Monitoring, Marine Pollution Research, Investigation of naturally occuring marine substances and technical marine developments. 
    Added on: 08-Aug-2005 Hits: 49

    Category: Attendee Organizations

    French Atomic Energy Commission 
    Description: CEA is a French government-funded technological research organisation.
    A prominent player in the European Research Area, it is involved in setting up collaborative projects with many partners around the world.
    Added on: 28-Jul-2005 Hits: 48

    Category: Attendee Organizations

    Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences 
    Description: Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences (CAMS) is one of the highest meteorological research institutions in China. CAMS is attached to China Meteorological Administration, and supported by both China Meteorological Administration and Ministry of Science and Technology of China. It was established in 1978. Its predecessor was the Central Meteorological Institute, which was renamed as CAMS in 1991.
    Added on: 08-Aug-2005 Hits: 48

    Category: Attendee Organizations

    Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute (FFPRI) 
    Description: Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute (FFPRI) plays a role to contribute to development of science and technology, forestry administration, Japan's international cooperation, and public activities, for promotion of sustainable forest management and resource utilization, through research on forest, forestry and forest products
    Added on: 08-Aug-2005 Hits: 46

    Category: Attendee Organizations

    Biology in Colorado | Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, CU, Boulder 
    Description: The importance of a broad undergraduate education in Biology cannot be overstated and our recent restructuring has put the department of EBIO in a unique position at CU to prepare students for advanced research in all aspects of Biology, as well as giving them a broad general undergraduate education. In the Letters section (here in PDF format, please scroll to page 3!) of the Nov 28th issue of Science a letter from the President of the National Academy of Sciences discusses this importance. The letter is based on a report called Bio 2010: Transforming Undergraduate Education for Future Research Biologists. This report was written at the request of the National Institute of Health and Howard Hughes Medical Institute and presents a recommendation for educating students interested in careers central to biomedical research. As the President quoted from the report
    Added on: 08-Aug-2005 Hits: 46

    Category: Attendee Organizations

    Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center (CDIAC 
    Description: CDIAC responds to data and information requests from users from all over the world who are concerned with the greenhouse effect and global climate change. CDIAC's data holdings include records of the concentrations of carbon dioxide and other radiatively active gases in the atmosphere; the role of the terrestrial biosphere and the oceans in the biogeochemical cycles of greenhouse gases; emissions of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere; long-term climate trends; the effects of elevated carbon dioxide on vegetation; and the vulnerability of coastal areas to rising sea level.
    Added on: 16-Sep-2005 Hits: 46

    Category: Climate Related Information

    Tohoku University 
    Description: Tohoku University was founded in 1907 as the third imperial university, during the period when Japan had begun to transform itself into a modernized society. Since then, it has played a leading role in both research and education in Japan, and is now ranked among the top universities in the Asia-Pacific region.
    Added on: 28-Jul-2005 Hits: 45

    Category: Attendee Organizations

    Botany & Microbiology at The University of Oklahoma 
    Description: The Department of Botany and Microbiology is located in George Lynn Cross Hall -- a modern nine-story building on the Norman campus that contains teaching classrooms and laboratories, research laboratories, faculty, graduate student and supporting staff offices, a media preparation center, microbiology culture collection and stockroom. The department also operates two greenhouses and several field sites.
    Added on: 08-Aug-2005 Hits: 44

    Category: Attendee Organizations

    National Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences 
    Description: The former National Institute of Agro-Environmental Sciences (NIAES) of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries (MAFF) was founded in 1983 to conduct advanced and basic technological development pertaining to the control, maintenance and utilization of the agro-environment, including the biological environment. The new National Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences (NIAES) was turned into an Independent Administrative Institution (a semi-autonomous agency) on April 1, 2001 and concentrates to fulfilling its research mission on a global scale as follows: 1) strategies to ensure stable food supplies under global environment change, 2) assuring the safety of food and environment utilizing the natural circulation function of agriculture, and 3) succession of the agro-environmental resources to future generations.
    Added on: 08-Aug-2005 Hits: 44

    Category: Attendee Organizations

    Crop Genetics and Environmental Research Unit 
    Description: This Unit conducts research on crop plants to identify and characterize genes of agronomic importance, to assess the impact of global climate change on future crop productivity, to improve biological nitrogen fixation and to identify alternatives to methyl bromide for protection of crops from soil borne pests.
    Added on: 08-Aug-2005 Hits: 41

    Category: Attendee Organizations

    Carnegie Department of Global Ecology 
    Description: The Carnegie Institution is a private organization that conducts basic research for the benefit of humanity. Its Department of Global Ecology, founded in 2002 on the campus of Stanford University, conducts basic research on the interactions among the earth's ecosystems, land, atmosphere, and oceans. The goal of this research is understanding the ways these interactions shape the behavior of the earth system, including its responses to future changes. The Department of Global Ecology includes faculty members, post-doctoral fellows, graduate students, and undergraduates, plus technical and administrative staff. There are opportunities for volunteers who wish to be involved in the research.
    Added on: 08-Aug-2005 Hits: 38

    Category: Attendee Organizations

    National Institute for Environmental Studies 
    Description: Since its establishment in 1974, the National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES) has been playing a major role in environmental research in Japan. We are proud of the integrative expertise to tackle environmental issues through the collaboration of our researchers and staffs with diversified specialties such as physics, chemistry, engineering, agriculture, fisheries, medicine, pharmacology, law/politics and economics.
    Added on: 30-Nov-1999 Hits: 36

    Category: Attendee Organizations

    Physics and Astronomy - Utrecht University 
    Description: Research takes place within the facultary research institute, in one of thirteen research programmes. These programmes are part of the research institute, and participate in science institutes and research schools that have been recognized by the Royal Netherlands Acadamy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW).
    Added on: 08-Aug-2005 Hits: 36

    Category: Attendee Organizations

    UCLA | Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences 
    Description: The UCLA Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences has been at the forefront of atomspheric and oceanic research and educatino since its inception in 1940. A broad curriculum is offered in Dynamic and Synoptic Meterology, Atomspheric Chemistry and Physics, Atomspheric Radaition and Remote Sensing, Climate Dynamics, Physical Oceanagraphy, and Upper Atmospheric and Space Physics. The Departments unique strength lies in the breadth of its educational and research programs.
    Added on: 08-Aug-2005 Hits: 34

    Category: Attendee Organizations



         Talk History
    Friday, September 30
    · Discussion Panel
    · Nitrogen Regulation of Carbon Sequestration in Terrestrial Ecosystems in Respons
    · The Role of Water Relations in Driving Grassland Ecosystem Responses to Rising A
    · Unraveling the Decline in High-latitude Surface Ocean Carbonate
    Thursday, September 29
    · Hazards of Temperature on Food Availability in Changing Environments (HOT-FACE)
    · The Amazon and the Modern Carbon Cycle
    · New Coupled Climate-carbon Simulations from the IPSL Model
    · The Changing Carbon Cycle
    · What are the Most Important Factors for Climate-carbon Cycle Coupling?
    · CO2 Uptake of the Marine Biosphere
    · European-wide Reduction in Primary Productivity Caused by the Heat and Drought i
    · Persistence of Nitrogen Limitation over Terrestrial Carbon Uptake
    · Atmospheric CO2, Carbon Isotopes, the Sun, and Climate Change over the Last Mill
    · Proposing a Mechanistic Understanding of Atmospheric CO2 During the late Pleist
    · Greenhouse Gas (CO2, CH4) and Climate Evolution since 650 kyrs Deduced from Anta
    Wednesday, September 28
    · (In and) Out of Africa: Estimating the Carbon Exchange of a Continent
    · Recent Shifts in Soil Dynamics on Growing Season Length, Productivity, and...
    · Interannual Variability in the Carbon Exchange Using an Ecosystem-fire Model
    · Photosynthesis and Respiration in Forests in Response to Environmental Changes
    · Seasonal and Interannual Variability in Net Ecosystem CO2 Exchange in Japan
    · Estimating Landscape-level Carbon Fluxes from Tower CO2 Mixing Ratio Measurement
    · Monitoring Effects in Climate and Fire Regime on Net Ecosystem Production
    · Radiative Forcing from a Boreal Forest Fire
    · The Influence of Soil and Water Management on Carbon Erosion and Burial
    · Spatial and Temporal Patterns of CO2, CH4, and N2O Fluxes in Ecosystems
    · Modeling the History of Terrestrial Carbon Sources and Sinks
    · The Age of Carbon Respired from Terrestrial Ecosystems
    · Discussion Panel
    · The Underpinnings of Land Use History
    Tuesday, September 27
    · Regional CO2 Fluxes for North America Estimated from NOAA/CMDL Observatories

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