
Lei Hu1,2*, Stephen Montzka2, Aleya Kaushik1,2, Arlyn Andrews2, Colm Sweeney2, John Miller2, Ian Baker3, Scott Denning3, Elliott Campbell4, Yoichi Shiga5, Pieter Tans2, M. Carolina Siso1,2, Molly Crotwell1,2, Kathryn McKain1,2, Kirk Thoning2, Bradley Hall2, Isaac Vimont1,2, James Elkins2, Mary Whelan6, Parvadha Suntharalingam7

1 Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, University of Colorado-Boulder, CO, USA
2 NOAA, Global Monitoring Laboratory, CO, USA
3 Colorado State University, CO, USA
4 University of California - Santa Cruz, CA, USA
5 Universities Space Research Association, Mountain View, CA, USA
6 Rutgers University, NJ, USA
7 University of East Anglia, UK

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Product Description

This product was generated from Hu et al. (2021) from atmospheric COS inversions. It includes the input atmospheric COS mole fraction observations, and the calculated monthly regional total fluxes for COS plant uptake and GPP over the North American Arctic and Boreal region. The definition of the North American Arctic and Boreal region is as the TransCom 1 region defined in the CarbonTracker simulation ( We also included the gridded GPP estimates from this analysis. Please note that uncertainties on the grid-scale fluxes are very large, so that they may not be suitable for quantitative analyses. Please contact the corresponding author, Dr. Lei Hu, for additional questions you may have.

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This dataset is made freely available to the scientific community. We encourage the users to contact the corresponding author ( when encountering any questions.

Required Citation

Hu, L., S. Montzka, A. Kaushik, A. Andrews, C. Sweeney, J. Miller, I. Baker, S. Denning, E. Campbell, Y. Shiga, P. Tans, M. C. Siso, M. Crotwell, K. McKain, K. Thoning, B. Hall, I. Vimont, J. Elkins, M. Whelan, P. Suntharalingam (2021), COS-derived GPP relationships with temperature and light help explain high-latitude atmospheric CO2 seasonal cycle amplification, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 118(33): e2103423118.

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Carbonyl sulfide (COS) plant uptake and gross primary production (GPP) over the North American Arctic and Boreal region and the associated atmospheric COS observations used for generating these fluxes

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