| Estimation of Atmospheric CO2 from AIRS Infrared Satellite Radiances in the ECMW |
By Richard Engelen
CO2 concentrations have been obtained from the Atmospheric Infrared
Sounder (AIRS) radiance data within the European Centre for Medium-Range
Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) data assimilation system. In a first explorative
configuration, a subset of channels from the AIRS instrument has been
assimilated providing estimates of tropospheric column-averaged CO2
mixing ratios representative of a layer between the tropopause and about 700
hPa at observation locations only. Results show considerable geographical and
temporal variability with values ranging between 370 and 382 ppmv. The 5-day
mean estimated random error is about 1%, which is confirmed by comparisons with
flask observations on board flights of Japanese airliners in the west-Pacific
region. This study demonstrates the feasibility of global CO2
estimation using high spectral resolution infrared satellite data in a
numerical weather prediction data assimilation system. Currently, the system is
being improved to treat CO2 as a full three-dimensional atmospheric
variable included in the forecast model. This allows more flexibility in the
constraints on the CO2 estimation as well as the possibility of
assimilating other data sources (e.g., near-infrared satellite data and
flasks). The CO2 fields provided by the data assimilation system
have great potential to assist the surface flask network in constraining
current top-down carbon flux estimates.
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