Complete Conference Book of Abstracts.
(Click on presentation title to view abstract.)
(Click on presentation title to view abstract.)
(Click on presentation title to view abstract.)
** Data may be preliminary and should not be quoted or distributed without first contacting the author **
David Skaggs Research Center, Room GC-402
325 Broadway, Boulder, Colorado 80305
May 26 and May 27, 2004
Wednesday, May 26, 2004 AGENDA
(Only presenter's name is given; please refer to abstract for complete author listing.)(Click on presentation title to view abstract.)
Session 1 | • Global Observations - R. Schnell | Slides |
08:30 - 08:35 | Welcome and Introduction D. Hofmann |
08:35 - 09:20 | Keynote Addres: The NOAA Climate Research Program C.J. (Chet) Koblinsky (NOAA Office of Climate Programs, Director) |
09:20 - 09:40 | Recent Trends in the Growth Rate of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide P.P. Tans (CMDL) |
09:40 - 10:00 | On the Relation Between Atmospheric Carbonyl Sulfide and Carbon Dioxide S.A. Montzka (CMDL) |
10:00 - 10:20 | Effects of Cloud Scavenging on Aerosol Single-Scattering Albedo J.A. Ogren (CMDL) |
• 10:20 - 10:40 Break
Session 2 | • Global Observations (Continued) - E. Dutton | Slides |
10:40 - 11:00 | Potential Decadal Variations in Surface Solar Irradiance E.G. Dutton (CMDL) |
11:00 - 11:20 | Trends in Tropospheric Ozone S.J. Oltmans (CMDL) |
11:20 - 11:40 | New CMDL International Programs R.C. Schnell (CMDL) |
11:40 - 12:00 | Variation in the Global Direct Radiative Climate Forcing by Well-Mixed Greenhouse Gases Over the Past 25 Years D.J. Hofmann (CMDL) |
• 12:00 - 13:00 Lunch
Session 3 | • Carbon Cycle Greenhouse Gases – P.P. Tans | Slides |
1300-1320 | Influences on the Growth Rate of Atmospheric Methane E.J. Dlugokencky (CMDL) |
1320-1340 | Global Warming Feedbacks from Methane Bubbling Along Expanding North Siberian Lake Margins K.M. Walter (Institute of Arctic Biology) |
1340-1400 | The CMDL Cooperative Global Air Sampling Network: Expansion and Recent Results T.J. Conway. (CMDL) |
• 14:00 - 14:20 Break
Session 4 | • Carbon Cycle Greenhouse Gases (Continued) – P.P. Tans | Slides |
1420-1440 | Measurements of CO2 Mixing Ratio In and Above the PBL Over the Forest Area in Siberia T. Machida (NIES, Japan) |
1440-1500 | Accuracy of CO2 Emissions Estimates for the United States T.J. Blasing (Oak Ridge Nat. Lab.) |
1500-1520 | Estimating Monthly Gridscale CO2 Fluxes Using a Geostatistical Inverse Modeling Approach A.M. Michalak (UCAR Postdoctoral Fellow) |
1520-1540 | Regional CO2 Flux Estimates for North America W. Peters (CIRES, CMDL) |
• 15:40 - 15:45 Award Presentation
• 16:00 - 18:30 Poster Session (Room GB-124)
Thursday, May 27, 2004 AGENDA
(Only presenter's name is given; please refer to abstract for complete author listing.)(Click on presentation title to view abstract.)
Session 5 | • Ozone and Water Vapor – S.J. Oltmans | Slides |
08:30 - 08:50 | GTN-P Monitoring Network: Detection of a 3°C Permafrost Warming in Northern Alaska During the 1990s G.D. Clow (U.S. Geological Survey) |
08:50 - 09:10 | Southern Hemisphere Additional Ozonesondes (SHADOZ): Data Quality and Characteristics of Tropical Ozone Behavior S.J. Oltmans (CMDL) |
09:10 - 09:30 | Boundary-Layer Ozone Production at South Pole, Antarctica D. Helmig (University of Colorado, INSTAAR, PAOS) |
09:30 - 09:50 | Accuracy and Performance Requirements for Frostpoint Hygrometers in Trend Detection and Network Operations H. Vömel (CIRES, CMDL) |
• 09:50 - 10:20 Break
Session 6 | • Aerosols and Radiation – J.A. Ogren | Slides |
10:20 - 10:40 | Correlated Trends in Western Arctic Snow Cover and Sea Ice Distribution R.S. Stone (CIRES, CMDL) |
10:40 - 11:00 | Observation of Enhanced Water Vapor in the Asian Dust Layer and Its Effect on the Atmospheric Radiative Heating and Cooling Rates S.-W. Kim (Seoul National Univ.) |
11:00 - 11:20 | Dynamics of Mercury in the Barrow Springtime Polar Environment S.B. Brooks (NOAA ATD, Oak Ridge, TN) |
11:20 - 11:40 | Tests of Long-Term Stability in IMPROVE Trend Measurements W.H. White (Crocker Nuclear Lab., University of California, Davis) |
• 11:40 - 13:00 Lunch
Session 7 | • Global Observations and Related Topics – E.G. Dutton and R.C. Schnell | Slides |
13:00 - 13:20 | Using Trajectories as an Air Transport Database for Studies of Atmospheric Monitoring J. Zeng (NIES, Japan) |
13:20 - 13:40 | Mt. Kenya GAW Station Setup and Initial Results J.K. Rotich (Kenya Meteorological Dept.) |
13:40 - 14:00 | Station Report: GEOSummit, the Greenland Environmental Observatory J.F. Burkhart (GEOSummit, University of California, Merced) |
14:00 - 14:20 | Transcontinental Observations into the Chemistry of the Atmosphere (TROICA): Main Results and Prospects N.F. Elansky (A.M. Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Russia) |
14:20 - 14:40 | Quality Assurance/Science Activity Centre Germany as Part of WMO/GAW: Overview on Structure and Responsibilities K. Mannschreck (UFS Schneefernerhaus, Germany) |
• 14:40 - 15:00 Break
Session 8 | • Halocarbons and N2O – J.H. Butler | Slides |
15:00 - 15:20 | Monthly Regional Estimates of the Global N2O Surface Flux from 1997-2001 A. Hirsch (CIRES, CMDL) |
15:20 - 15:40 | Improvements in N2O Calibration of Secondary Compressed Gas Standards B.D. Hall (CMDL) |
15:40 - 16:00 | A Significant and Substantial Decrease in Tropospheric Organic Bromine J.H. Butler (CMDL) |
16:00 - 16:20 | Persistent Emissions of Halocarbons in the United States of America and Canada D.F. Hurst (CIRES, CMDL) |
16:20 - 16:40 | Development of In Situ Gas Chromatograph – Mass Selective Detector for the Purpose of Measuring Long-Range Pollution Transport from Asia J.L. Neu (NRC Fellow) |
Poster Session Wednesday, May 26, 2004 AGENDA
(Only presenter's name is given; please refer to abstract for complete author listing.)(Click on presentation title to view abstract.)
• Carbon Cycle | |
P1 | Uncertainty Analysis of CO2 Standard Transfer in CMDL from 1979 to 2004
C. Zhao (CIRES, CMDL) |
P2 | Sensitivity of Carbon Flux Estimates to Past, Present, and Future Observational Networks
L.M. Bruhwiler (CMDL) |
P3 | Development of a High Precision Detection Capability for Recently Added Fossil Fuel CO2 in the Atmosphere Using 14C
J.C. Turnbull (INSTAAR) |
P4 | In situ CO Measurements at Zugspitze (47°N, 11°E)
H.E. Scheel (Forschungzentrum Karlsruche) |
P5 | Evidence for Long-Term Changes in Carbon Monoxide
P.C. Novelli (CMDL) |
P6 | Estimates of the Sampling Footprints of Current and Future Tall-Tower Continuous Monitoring Sites
A.E. Andrews (CMDL) |
P7 | Mongolian Carbon Cycle Gas Measurements
B. Borkhuu (Mongolian Institute of Hydrology and Meteorology) |
• Ozone and Water Vapor | Poster | |
P8 | Progress of the Tropospheric Ozone Aircraft Measurement Program
B.A. Vasel (CIRES, CMDL) |
P9 | Towards a Better Knowledge of Umkehr Measurements: A Detailed Study of Data from Ten Dobson Intercomparisons
I. Petropavlovskikh (CIRES) |
P10 | Ozone Profiles Measured at South Pole Station During the 2003 Ozone Hole
B.J. Johnson (CMDL) |
P11 | Evolution of the CMDL Frostpoint Hygrometer, 1998 to Present
D.M. Sherman (CIRES, CMDL) |
P12 | Preliminary Characterization of Calibration Errors in the CMDL Water Vapor Record
E.G. Hall (CIRES, CMDL) |
P13 | Upper Tropospheric Water Vapor Measurements with Raman Lidar at MLO
J.E. Barnes (CIRES, CMDL) |
• Aerosols and Radiation | |
P14 | Finding a Method to Measure the Black Carbon State of Mixture in Atmospheric Aerosol
M. Fiebig (Humboldt Fellow) |
P15 | Characterization of Aerosol Optical Properties Using Polar Nephelometry
M.E. Trudeau (CIRES, CMDL) |
P16 | Reconstruction of the Interhemispheric Methane 13C Gradient from Polar Firn Air
M.E. Trudeau (CIRES, CMDL) |
P17 | An Empirical Approach to Aerosol Model Development for Radiative Transfer Calculations
A.M. Payton (CIRES, CMDL) |
P18 | Development of a Diffuse Horizontal Shortwave Irradiance Standard for the BSRN and ARM
J. Michalsky (ARL) |
P19 | An Automated Washing and Ventilation System for Surface Energy Budget Monitoring Instrumentation
D. Nelson (CMDL) |
• Halocarbons, N2O, and Hydrocarbons | |
P20 | Development of a New Method for the Study of the Global Distribution of the OH-Radical
J. Pollmann (INSTAAR) |
P21 | Trans-siberian Observations Into the Chemistry of the Atmosphere (TROICA)-8: the Second CMDL Trace Gas Measurement Campaign in Russia
P. Romashkin (CIRES, CMDL) |
P22 | Can New In Situ Measurements Offer Insight Into Tropospheric and Stratospheric Transport?
F.L. Moore (CIRES, CMDL) |
P23 | The Radiatively Important Trace Species Data Recovery Project
J.D. Nance (CIRES, CMDL) |
P24 | Monitoring of the NOx/O3 Photostationary State: Local Impacts or Systematic Deviations?
K. Mannschreck (UFS Schneefernerhaus) |
P25 | The GAW Global Station Zugspitze/Hohenpeissenberg: Instrumentation and Scientific Aims
K. Mannschreck (UFS Schneefernerhaus) |
P26 | Trends of Halocarbons and Implications for Total Chlorine
G. Dutton (CIRES, CMDL) |
P27 | North Atlantic Long-Range Transport Research at Pico Mountain, Azores, Portugal
D. Helmig (INSTAAR) |