Latitudinal Distribution of Atmospheric ∆14CO2 over the Southern Ocean
J. Turnbull1,2, J. Collins1, E. Behrens3, G. Brailsford3, B. Bukosa3 and S.M. Fletcher3
1GNS Science, National Isotope Centre, Lower Hutt, New Zealand; +64 4 570 4726, E-mail:
2NOAA Global Monitoring Laboratory (GML), Boulder, CO 80305
3National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA), Wellington, New Zealand
The Southern Ocean is a key sink for anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2), yet the processes that govern the rate of uptake remain only partly understood. We use observations of ∆14C in CO2 from shipboard transects across the Southern Ocean to develop latitudinal gradients of ∆14C in the surface atmosphere. We present five years of austral summer observations (2016-2020) from ships of opportunity travelling between New Zealand and the Ross Sea, Antarctica, along with long-term measurements from Baring Head, New Zealand and Arrival Heights, Antarctica. We observe lower ∆14C in the 50°S to 70°S region, with higher values to the north and south, consistent with upwelling of 14C-depleted deep waters in this region. We then combine model ocean simluations of CO2 and 14C with simulations from the NAME III atmospheric dispersion model to predict surface atmosphere ∆14C and compare with the observations. Our model simulation does a reasonable job of matching the observations, capturing the spatial pattern and day-to-day variability quite well. However, the model somewhat underestimates the magnitude of the observed ∆14C gradient, particularly between 50°S-60°S. Our results suggest that atmospheric 14C observations can be used to diagnose the strength of deep water upwelling in the Southern Ocean.
Figure 1. Observed (coloured points, differentiated by year of collection) and modelled (black) ∆∆14C, the deviation of near-surface atmospheric ∆14C from Baring Head (41°S) and Arrival Heights (78°S). Lower values over the Southern Ocean demonstrate exchange of carbon from 14C-depleted upwelled deep water into the atmosphere.