GML Staff
Bryan Johnson
Mailing Address:
NOAA Global Monitoring Laboratory
325 Broadway R/GML
Boulder CO 80305-3328
Phone: 720-248-8543
Bryan Johnson is the project leader for the balloon-borne ozonesonde group within the NOAA Global Monitoring Laboratory in Boulder Colorado. Bryan began working in the Ozone and Water Vapor Division at NOAA in 1994 managing logistics and ozone profile data from 5 NOAA ozonesonde sites including South Pole Station, Antarctica. His postdoctorate (1991-1994) with the University of Wyoming Atmospheric Sciences involved balloon-borne measurements of ozone and polar stratospheric clouds (PSCs) at McMurdo Station, Antarctica. Today his focus is on ozonesonde performance and testing.
Ph.D. Atmospheric Sciences, University of Arizona (1991).
M.S. Meteorology, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology (1986).
B.S. Chemical Engineering, Montana State University (1981).