Erin Boedicker

Staff Listing

Erin Boedicker


Mailing Address:
NOAA Global Monitoring Laboratory
325 Broadway R/GML
Boulder CO 80305-3328

Phone: 720-258-6017

Erin Boedicker

Erin Boedicker is a research scientist in the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES) at the University of Colorado Boulder and the NOAA Earth Systems Research Laboratory Global Monitoring Laboratory (NOAA-ESRL-GML). She received her Ph.D. from Colorado State University, where she studied biosphere-atmosphere exchange of aerosols in a variety of environments. Prior to that she received her B.A. in Chemistry from Ohio Wesleyan University.

Erin’s current research focuses on in-situ aerosol optical properties for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Federated Aerosol Network. Currently she is using measurements from multiple sites to evaluate the relationships between column and surface aerosol optical properties.