This is not the latest CarbonTracker NRT update!
Link to latest.
- Files for CarbonTracker releases may be downloaded through the command line with a FTP link. To download files you may use the base FTP path for this run of with the path to the file or files using get or wget.
- 3-D Mole Fractions
This is a link to our FTP server, where we have made 3-hourly 3-D CO2 mole fraction fields available in NetCDF format for others to use in their work. - Three-hourly Fluxes
This is a link to our FTP server, where we have made 3-hourly global surface fluxes available in NetCDF format for others to use in their work. - CT-NRT ObsPack
This is a link to the CT-NRT ObsPack, where we have made model output, including simulated values, available in by-dataset netcdf files for others to use in their work.