CO2 Weather Maps - CT2019B

Region and Date


CO2 weather. We depict the daily average of the pressure-weighted mean mole fraction of carbon dioxide in the free troposphere as modeled by CarbonTracker. Units are micromoles of CO2 per mole of dry air (μmol mol-1), and the values are given by the color scale depicted under the graphic. The "free troposphere" in this case is levels 6 through 10 of the TM5 model. This corresponds to about 1.2km above the ground to about 4.2km above ground, or in pressure terms, about 850 hPa to about 500 hPa. Gradients in CO2 concentration in this layer are due to exchange between the atmosphere and the earth surface, including fossil fuel emissions, air-sea exchange, and the photosynthesis, respiration, and wildfire emissions of the terrestrial biosphere. These gradients are subsequently transported by weather systems, even as they are gradually erased by atmospheric mixing.

Click here to see animations of these CarbonTracker CO2 Weather images.