Nitrous Oxide (N2O) WMO Scale

Update: March, 2025

The 2006A N2O scale is based on 13 primary standards prepared by static gravimetric dilution from 99.9% pure N2O in 5.9-L aluminum cylinders. All standards contain CO2 and SF6 at near ambient levels. Assigned values were determined by fitting a 2nd order polynomial to the response of each standard (relative to a 318 ppb natural air secondary standard) measured using an HP6890 GC with electron capture detection. Analysis precision was typically less than 0.05% (one standard deviation). The standard deviation of resuduals is 0.33 ppb.

Prior to February 2025, analysis for N2O was performed by gas chromatography with electron capture detection (Hall et al., 2006; Hall et al., 2011)

In 2024, we began testing a laser spectroscopic system (Tunable Infrared Laser Direct Absorption Spectroscopy, TILDAS) for analysis of N2O. This particular instrument was designed to employ detection of N2O and CO using independent absorption features, with no spectral overlap. The laser spectroscopic system is calibrated approximately every two weeks relative to a suite of 7 secondary standards, which were value-assigned by GC-ECD over multiple years. On average, results from the GC-ECD and laser spectrometer are consistent, and therefore we have officially adopted the laser-based TILDAS as the analytical method for N2O as of February 1, 2025. The new analyzer was run in parallel with the GC-ECD system from May 2022 - May 2023 and April 2024 - present. The data from the overlap period are available on the CCL website. The N2O scale is unchanged (X2006A), only the analytical method has changed.

A preliminary estimate of reproducibility for N2O based on laser spectroscopic analysis is 0.08 ppb (2-sigma).


For N2O results, see the GML CCL Reference Gas Calibrations page.

Cylinder Year Prepared
FA-1861 2000 261.30 261.20 -0.10
FA-1878 2000 314.66 314.04 -0.62
FA-1843 2000 331.34 331.57 0.23
FA-1850 2000 315.98 315.68 -0.30
FA-1851 2000 302.12 302.22 0.10
FA-1865 2000 288.29 288.88 0.59
FA-2205 2003 315.39 315.40 0.01
FA-2207 2003 333.01 333.54 0.53
FA-2208 2003 357.33 357.46 0.13
FA-2557 2005 291.36 291.39 0.03
FA-2567 2005 320.98 321.04 0.06
FA-2569 2005 336.08 335.81 -0.27
FA-2585 2005 371.37 371.27 -0.10
N2O Scale Tree