Duration May-April, 2004
Platform Trans-Siberian Railway
Locations Moscow to Khabarovsk, Russia

The eighth Trans-Siberian Railway Observations Into the Chemistry of the Atmosphere (TROICA-8) expedition was conducted from a brand new scientific observatory carriage coupled directly to an electric locomotive with 15 passenger carriages in tow.  We followed nearly the same route of the 2001 TROICA-7 expedition, travelling 17,000 km of the trans-Siberian railway between Moscow and Khabarovsk, Russia and return.  The campaign was a again a collaboration between NOAA/CMDL, the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry (Mainz, Germany), and the Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics (Moscow, Russia). ACATS-IV was on board to measure halocarbon and greenhouse gases across Russia, with the intention of estimating emissions of these gases from the data obtained.  The results will be compared to those from TROICA-7, and are expected to show a decline in Russian emissions of ozone-depleting substances between 2001 and 2004.

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For other details, visit the Max Planck TROICA home page.