Intercomparison of trace gas measurements in the atmosphere.
Contacts: Dr. Ralph Koppmann
Georgia Institute of Technology
Chapter co-author (w/ Elkins), 1998 WMO Report on the Scientific Assessment on Ozone Depletion, Chapter 1
Members of AGAGE team and working on intercomparison of data with CMDL
Contacts: Prof. Derek Cunnold and Prof. Ray Wang
Harvard University
In situ measurements of tracers at Harvard Forest since 1995. Co-P.I. (McElroy and Elkins) of DOE NIGEC research.
Chemistry and distribution of atmospheric N2O (McElroy and Wofsy)
Chemistry and transport in the stratosphere using airborne and ground-based data.
Total hydrogen budget in the stratosphere (with Anderson).
Total chlorine and bromine budgets in the stratosphere.
Modeling of CMDL background data (Spivakovsky)
Methyl iodide as a tracer of marine convection (Jacob).
Contacts: Professors Steven C. Wofsy, James Anderson, Daniel Jacob, and Michael B. McElroy, and Dr. Clarissa Spivakovsky.
Joint publications: Hinsta et al., [1997]; Kohn et al., [1997]; Wamsley et al., [1997]; Woodbridge et al., [1995]; Wofsy et al., [1994], Hurst et al., [1999], Spivakovsky et al., [2000], Montzka et al., [2000], Bell et al., [2002]
Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Moscow
TROICA experiment
Contacts: Drs. Nikolai Elansky, Igor Granberg, and George Golitsyn.
Jet Propulsion Laboratory; California Institute of Technology
Stratospheric chemistry and transport using airborne and tropospheric data.
Contacts: Drs. Ross J. Salawitch, Chris Webster, Bob Herman, and James J. Margitan.
Joint publications: Wamsley et al; [1997]; Volk et al., [1996]; Chang et al., [1996a,b], Woodbridge et al., [1995]; Salawitch et al., [1994a,b; 1993]; Webster et al., [1993], Hurst et al., [2000]
John Hopkins University
Stratospheric transport using airborne and tropospheric data. Age of air mass determinations.
Contacts: Prof. Darryn Waugh
Joint publications: Waugh et al., [1997a,b; 1994]
Laboratory of Ecogeochemistry and Geochemistry of Rare Earths (LEGRE Lab 775), The United Institute of Geology, Geophysics and Mineralogy, Russan Academy of Science
Use of halocarbon data to examine transport of pollutants from Russia and China.
Contacts: Dr. F.Sukhorukov, Dr. E.Malikov.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Co-convenor (Prinn w/Elkins), Workshop on Source Gases for Ozone Depletion in Boulder CO, (jointly hosted by AGAGE-MIT/NOAA-CMDL/NASA-UARP) on May 14-16, 1997.
Modeling of stratospheric transport using airborne tracer data [Plumb]
Contacts: Prof. Ron Prinn and Alan Plumb
Joint publications: Waugh et al., [1997, 1994]
Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Mainz, Germany
TROICA experiment.
Contact: Drs. Paul Crutzen and Carl Brenninkmeijer.
M&D Consulting, Germany
Co-author (with Elkins and Montzka), 1998 WMO Report on the Scientific Assessment on Ozone Depletion Chapter 1 and 2.
Contacts: Dr. Pauline Midgley
Partial funding of operations and construction of ACATS and LACE airborne GCs
Stratospheric chemistry and transport using airborne and tropospheric data
Contacts: Dr. Randy Kawa
NASA Ames Research Center
Nitrous oxide and methane intercomparisons on airborne platforms.
Stratospheric chemistry and transport using airborne and tropospheric data
Contacts: Drs. Max Loewenstein, Hans-Jürg Jost, and James Podoksle
Joint publications: Volk et al., [1996]; Woodbridge et al., [1995]
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Stratospheric chemistry and transport using airborne and tropospheric data.
Co-mission scientist: POLARIS and SOLVE
Contacts: Dr. Paul Newman
Joint publications: Newman et al., [1996]
NASA UARP, ACMAP, and Radiation Programs
Partial funding of operations and construction of ACATS and LACE airborne GCs.
Co-convener, Organizing Committee (w/ Butler and Montzka), 1998 Methyl Bromide State of the Science Meeting.
Co-convenor (w/Elkins), Workshop on Source Gases for Ozone Depletion in Boulder CO, (jointly hosted by AGAGE-MIT/NOAA-CMDL/NASA-UARP) on May 14-16, 1997.
Co-Author (w/Butler and Montzka), 1998 WMO Report on the Scientific Assessment on Ozone Depletion, Chapter 2.
Contacts: Drs. Michael Kurylo, Phil DeCola, and Don Anderson
National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), CO
Photochemistry and tracer measurements during MLOPEX experiments.
Hydrocarbon and PAN (w/Moore) measurements.
Halocarbon standards intercomparison.
Contacts: Drs. Elliot Atlas, Eric Apel, Chris. A Cantrell, Sue Schauffler, Frank Flock, and Julia Lee-Taylor
Joint Publications: Wamsley et al., [1997]; Atlas et al., [1996]; Woodbridge et al., [1995]; Cantrell et al., [1992], Schauffler et al., [2002]
NOAA/Aeronomy Lab (AL)
Co-principal investigator (w/Elkins) of ACATS, ACATS-IV, and LACE (Fahey).
Co-investigator (w/Elkins) of PANTHER (Fahey).
Trace gas research in the stratosphere.
Intercomparison of trace gas measurements (Goldan, deGouw)
Gas chromatography and standards (Goldan, Kuster)
Co-author (w/Montzka and Butler) 2002 WMO Report on the Scientific Assessment of Stratospheric Ozone
Contacts: Drs. Dan Albritton, Chris Ennis, John Daniel, Adrian Tuck, David Fahey, Ru-Shan Gao, Eric Ray, Susan Solomon, Eric Richard, Karen Rosenlof, Paul Goldan, and Mr. Bill Kuster
Elkins et al., [1996], Fahey et al., [2001], Richard et al., [2001], Volk et al., [1996,1997], Gao et al., [2001]
NOAA/Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory (AOML)
Methyl bromide research.
Oceanic sources of trace gases.
Contact: Drs. Shari Yvon-Lewis and Rik Wannikhof
NOAA/Pacific Marine Environment Laboratory (PMEL)
Oceanic Trace Gas Research.
Contacts: Drs. Dick Feeley, John Bullister, and Tim Bates.
Pennsylvania State University
Trace gases in firn air (Co-Author and Collaborator)
Former OMS Project Scientist (Brune)
Contacts: Dr. Todd Sowers and Prof. William Brune
Physical Research Laboratory, India
Co-author (w/ Montzka and Butler), 1998 WMO Report on the Scientific Assessment on Ozone Depletion, Chapter 2
Co-author (w/ Montzka and Butler), 2002 WMO Report on the Scientific Assessment on Ozone Depletion, Chapter 1
Contacts: Dr. Shyam Lal
Princeton University, NJ
Measurement of trace gases in firn air.
Contacts: Prof. Michael Bender
Joint Publications: Battle et al., [1996], Butler et al., [1999]
RIVM (National Institute of Public Health and The Environment)
WMO 2002 (with Montzka), co-author, Chapter 1
Contact: Dr. Guus Velders
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, CA
Intercomparison of trace gas measurements in the atmosphere.
Intercomparison of trace gas standards (Hall, Elkins).
Trace gas research.
Collaborator at Trinidad Head, CA site.
Contacts: Prof. Ray F. Weiss, and Drs. Ben Miller and Jeff Severinghouse
Joint Publication: Battle et al., [1996]
United Kingdom Meteorological Office, Bristol
Co-author (w/Montzka and Butler, WMO 2002 Report on the Scientific Assessment on Stratospheric Ozone, Chapter 1
Contact: Dr. Dick Derwent
Universitaet Frankfurt, Germany-- Institut fuer Meteorologie und Geophysik
Mixing fractions and entrainment times in the tropical and extratropical stratosphere
Contacts: Prof. U. Schmidt, Dr. C. Michael Volk, and Dr. Andreas Engel
University of Bristol, England
Chapter co-author (w/Montzka), 1998 WMO Report on the Scientific Assessment on Ozone Depletion, Chapter 2
Contacts: Dr. Peter Simmonds
University of California at Irvine
Total bromine and chlorine budget in the stratosphere.
Intercomparison of trace gas measurements in the atmosphere.
Methyl bromide research.
Hydrocarbon research.
Analysis of trace gases in firn air (Saltzman).
Co-investigator (w/Butler) in methyl bromide research grant (Saltzman).
Contacts: Profs. Sherwood Rowland, Don Blake, Eric Saltzman, and Michael Prather
Joint publications: Wamsley et al., [1997]; Atlas et al., [1996]; Blake et al., [1992]
University of Colorado, Boulder
Total bromine and chlorine budget in the stratosphere.
Co-project scientist of CRYSTAL-FACE (Toon).
Intercomparison of atmospheric trace gas measurements
Prof. O. Brian Toon and Darrin Toohey, Dr. Christine Karbiwnyk
University of Colorado, Institute for Alpine and Arctic Research (INSTAAR)
Development of calibration system standards for analysis of atmospheric sesquiterpenes.
Contact: Dr. Detlev Helmig
University of Colorado, Mountain Research Station
Measurement of trace gases using flasks and in situ GCs at Niwot Ridge, CO.
Contacts: Mr. Mark Losleben
University of Dalhousie, Canada
Methyl bromide Research
Intercomparison of trace gas measurements
Air-Sea Exchange Cruise - 1998
Contacts: Prof. Robert Moore
University of East Anglia, England
Intercomparison of trace gas measurements in the atmosphere.
Cooperative Research Cruises for 1998
Methyl bromide research
Contacts: Prof. S. A. Penkett, Drs. Claire Reeves, William T. Sturges, Wendy Broadgate, and Dave Oram.
Joint Publications: Wamsley et al., [1997]
University of Goteburg, Sweden
Oceanic CCl4 research
Contacts: Dr. Elisabet Fogelqvist
University of Miami, FL
Theoretical modeling of stratosphere.
Methyl bromide research.
Modeling of methyl bromide in the atmosphere and ocean.
Contacts: Prof. Jose Rodriguez and Dr. Kelly Goodwin
Joint publications: Butler and Rodriguez [1996]
University of New England, Maine and Bigelow Laboratory
Co-Investigator (w/Butler) in methyl bromide research grant
Contacts: Dr. Paty Matrai
University of Southampton, UK
Calibrations, Cooperative Research Cruises for 1998
Contacts: Dr. Denise Smythe-Wright
University of Washington
Air-Sea Exchange Cruise - 1998
Contacts: Dr. William Asher
Utrecht University, Netherlands
Studies on methyl chloroform in the atmosphere
Intercomparison of trace gas measuments
Contacts: Prof. Jos Lelieveld (now at MPI, Mainz), Dr. Maarten Krol, and Mr. Bert Scheeren