Dear GMAC Colleagues,
The Global Monitoring Laboratory is proud to celebrate the 50th Global Monitoring Annual Conference this year!
We will again be holding a virtual conference for the 2022 Global Monitoring Annual Conference (eGMAC). Read the welcome letter from Ariel Stein, Director (Acting) of GML.
The 2022 virtual GMAC (eGMAC) will be held on five consecutive days: Monday, May 23rd through Friday, May 27th, 2022, beginning at 12:00PM Mountain Daylight Saving Time (UTC -6). Each session will be ~3 to 3.5 hours long. Sessions will be recorded to allow colleagues in all time zones to view the presentations after the session concludes.
Each day will have the following format plus a few short breaks:
- 6 scientific talks (12 minutes each, plus 3 minutes for questions)
- Virtual discussion rooms with the oral presenters
Virtual poster session to include:
- 90-second lightning talks for each poster to begin the session
- Virtual presentation/discussion room unique to each poster
Meeting Links
Each individual poster session and any open discussion, coffee break and other meetings will be held using Google Meet. The meeting links are available on the agenda on the day of the session. Oral sessions will be held using GoTo Webinar. The link to the webinar is available on the 'Join Webinar' button in the agenda.
Daily Keynote Speakers
The eGMAC Organizing Committee is pleased to announce a stellar list of keynote speakers that will kick off the meeting each day. Please visit the draft agenda to learn more about the distinguished speakers.
Meeting Videos
Videos of past sessions will be available. Go to the Agenda and select the day and session of interest. Then click on the 'View Recorded Video' button.
Boulder Potluck Picnic - Thursday, May 26th New Date and Location
Although the global pandemic did not ease up with enough time to host an in-person conference, those local to the Boulder, CO area are invited to a casual potluck at Harlow Platts Community Park after the sessions on Thursday, May 26th at 16:30pm (MDT). Feel free to bring a dish and enjoy an afternoon in the park. Information for the GMAC Potluck.
Virtual Happy Hour New Date
GML will be hosting a virtual “Happy Hour” via Gathertown after the poster session Tuesday, May 24 at 16:30 MDT. The link will be available on the agenda. Instructions on how to set up Gathertown.
This year the eGMAC Organizing Committee and GML Awards Committee will present the Early Career Scientist award for the best in oral or poster presentation. A group of judges will use the following criteria to identify the winner: logical flow of the paper, verbal delivery skills, and preparedness to answer questions.
Early Career Scientist (ECS) is defined as a student, a Ph.D. candidate, or a practicing scientist who received their highest certificate (e.g. BSc, MSc, or Ph.D.) within the past seven years. The seven-year period can be extended to allow for periods when the scientist was not working in science because of, but not limited to, caring and/or parental responsibilities, disability, personal illness, community obligations, or national service.
Early Career Panel
The GMAC Career Panel will be on Wednesday, May 25th from 10:00-11:00 am (MDT). This event is an opportunity for early-career scientists to get insight into a variety of career paths, hear advice on career path challenges, and learn of opportunities (taken or missed) along the way. All are welcome and encouraged to attend. The meeting links are available on the agenda.

Presenter Information
Information for those presenting either oral talks or posters.
Past Conferences
Go here for past conference agendas, abstracts and presentations.