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Observation Package (ObsPack) data products are intended to stimulate and support carbon cycle modeling studies. A variety of ObsPack products are available and vary from one another depending on their intended use. Products may include providers' original data and metadata reformatted into the ObsPack framework (Masarie et al., 2014) or may contain averages or subsets of original data. ObsPack data products are prepared by NOAA in consultation with data providers.

The ObsPack framework (Masarie et al., 2014) is designed to bring together direct atmospheric greenhouse gas measurements derived from one or more national or university laboratories, prepare them with specific applications in mind, and package and distribute them in a set of self-documenting files. ObsPack products include a set of prepared data sets and metadata, a summary of included data sets, and an e-mail address list of all data providers.

While each data set includes extensive metadata, we recognize the included metadata is not comprehensive. If you are interested in source data used to construct a product or would like more complete documentation on measurements, please contact the data provider directly (contact information is included in each data set). Source data may also be available from the WMO World Data Center for Greenhouse Gases (WDCGG).

Warning to User: Every effort is made to produce the most accurate and precise data products possible. Contributors reserve the right to make corrections to products and data based on recalibration of standard gases or for other reasons deemed scientifically justified. Contributors to these data products are not responsible for results and conclusions based on use of this product without regard to this warning.


These products are possible because carbon cycle scientists have graciously agreed to share their high-precision atmospheric measurements for this work. Whether contributing a single data set or many data sets, their ongoing efforts require ongoing support from their funding agencies. The value of their observations is assessed, in part, by usage and contribution to scientific research. The ObsPack Fair Use Statement below requires users to establish contact with the data providers to determine the appropriate level of acknowledgement for use of their data. Your cooperation will help to ensure these measurements are available in the future.

Fair Use Statement

This cooperative data product is made freely available to the scientific community and is intended to stimulate and support carbon cycle modeling studies. We rely on the ethics and integrity of the user to assure that each contributing national and university laboratory receives fair credit for their work. Fair credit will depend on the nature of the work and the requirements of the institutions involved.

Your use of this data product implies an agreement to contact each contributing laboratory for data sets used to discuss the nature of the work and the appropriate level of acknowledgement. If this product is essential to the work, or if an important result or conclusion depends on this product, co-authorship may be appropriate. This should be discussed with the appropriate data providers at an early stage in the work. Contacting the data providers is not optional; if you use this data product, you must contact the applicable data providers. To help you meet your obligation, the data product includes an e-mail distribution list of all data providers.

This data product must be obtained directly from the ObsPack Data Portal at and may not be re-distributed. In addition to the conditions of fair use as stated above, users must also include the ObsPack product citation in any publication or presentation using the product. The required citation is included in every data product and in the automated e-mail sent to the user during product download.


All ObsPack products include a unique required citation, which can be found in each data file. You are also required to contact each data provider to determine the appropriate level of acknowledgement for use of their data (see Fair Use Statement above). A list of data providers and their contact information is included with each product.

Product Download

ObsPack data products are freely available from this site. You may download a data product immediately after providing your contact information. Registration ensures that data providers can track data usage and notify users when measurements are reprocessed or updated.

This site serves complete ObsPack data products only. If you are interested in individual ObsPack data sets, you must download the entire product. If you are interested in actual data or would like more comprehensive documentation on measurements, please contact data providers directly.

ATTENTION! When you download an ObsPack data product, an automatic e-mail containing your contact information will be sent to contributing data providers. When you download a minor revision to a product you have previously downloaded, data providers will NOT be contacted. The version numbering scheme is described here.

Please DO NOT re-distribute this product. It is freely available to all users from this site.

Future Work

We will introduce data products for other parameters including CH4, with possible additions of CO, and O2.

We expect the majority of ObsPack data products will be updated annually. Product demand will ultimately determine the update schedule.

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