CarbonTracker Lagrange Documentation

Stage 4 - Inversion and posterior uncertainty


Once the HQ Calculations and Stage 3 - Observations, background and priors steps are completed, the final inversion step can be done. The user needs to also supply the values of the diagonal of R.

The program performs the calculations, and makes several output files,

  • shat.npy, - The calculated \hat{s}, both in numpy save format and netcdf format.
  • hshat.txt - \hat{s} convolved with H
  • hqhti.npy - Result of (HQH^T + R)^{-1} from Equation 1.
  • hqht_zhsp.npy - Result of (HQH^T + R)^{-1} * (z-Hs_p) from Equation 1.
  • qhts.npy - The result of (HQ)^T * (HQH^T + R)^{-1} * (z-Hs_p) from Equation 1.


  • R values - Variances of model data mismatch.
  • sprior - contains sp. Can be either a numpy save file, dimensions (ntimesteps x ncells), or a netcdf file, with a variable named ‘sprior’ and dimensions (ntimesteps x nlat x nlon)
  • HQ blocks created by
  • HQHT array created by
  • zhsp.txt created by

Usage is run with: [-c configfile] [-b] spriorfile rfile


   Required arguments
        spriorfile : file name with sprior data
        rfile : file name with R data

   Optional arguments
        -c : Specify the configuration file to use. Default is 'config.ini'.
        -b : If set, use boundary value optimization files.

Posterior uncertainty

The uncertainty covariance of the estimated \hat{s} can be written as:

(1)V_{\hat{s}} = Q - (HQ)^T (HQH^T + R)^{-1} HQ

The a posteriori covariance matrix V_{\hat{s}} is a computational bottlenect for large inverse problems. Instead, the a posteriori covariance is calculated directly at aggregated scales, without explicitly calculating V_{\hat{s}}. The estimated aggregated grid-scale \overline{V_{\hat{s}}} averaged over desired time periods is:

(2)\overline{V}_{\hat{s}} = \frac{\left(Q_{sum} - (HQ)_{sum}^T(HQH^T + R)^{-1}(HQ)_{sum}\right)} {k^2}

where k is the number of time steps in the aggregated time period. Using a space and time varying \sigma in equation 3, Q_{sum} is defined as

(3)Q_{\Sigma(t_i:t_u)} = \left(\sum_{i=t_1}^{t_u} \sum_{j=t_1}^{t_u} \sigma_i \sigma_j^T d_{i,j} \right) \times E


(4)\sigma_{rx1} = \begin{bmatrix} \sigma_{p=i, r=1} \\ \sigma_{p=i, r=2} \\ \vdots \\ \sigma_{p=i, r=t} \end{bmatrix}

and Q_{sum} represents the sum of all Q blocks between t_l and t_u. However, greatly increased speed is achieved using the equivalent formulation:

(5)Q_{\Sigma(t_i:t_u)} = \left(S_{(t_l:t_u)}^T D S_{(t_l:t_u)} \right) \times E

where S is a p✕r matrix such that:

S_{ij} = \sigma(p=p_i, r=r_j)

and S_{(tl:tu)} refers to the portion of S containing timesteps t_u through t_l. As in the constant \sigma case, (HQ)_{sum} is computed simply by summing all of the column blocks of HQ between t_l and t_u.

The time periods for calculating \overline{V_{\hat{s}}} are defined in the configuration file with the key ‘vshat_dates’.


vshat_dates = ["2012-6-1", "2012-7-1", "2012-8-1", "2012-9-1"]

which will result in estimates for June, July and August of 2012. The time periods are from a date up to but not including the next date. Aggregated posterior uncertainties will also be computed for the entire time span defined in the configuration file with the keys ‘start_date’ and ‘end_date’.

The program performs the calculations. Output files created are

  • vshat.npy, - Uncertainty estimates aggregated over the entire time of the inversion, in both npy and netcdf formats.
  • vshat_month_1.npy, ... - Uncertainty estimates aggregated over each time period defined in the configuration file.

Usage is run with: [-c configfile] [-b] sigmafile


   Required arguments
        sigmafile     : file name with sprior sigma values

   Optional arguments
        -c configfile : Specify the configuration file to use.
        -b            : If set, use boundary value optimization files.