Oral Presentation Submissions:
Please don’t forget to send your presentation file to gml.gmac@noaa.gov at least one day before your presentation!
Rules of Engagement for the eGMAC
- Be respectful of others during all presentations and interactions.
- Keep your microphone muted at all times unless you are actively speaking.
Stay on time - The eGMAC will strictly adhere to our schedule:
- Oral presenters follow AGU format with 12-min to speak and 3-min for Q&A,
- Poster presenters each have 90-second lightning talks.
- As a presenter, use a webcam whenever possible for better interaction with attendees.
If you feel strongly that you prefer to not share your screen and would like the GoToWebinar Host to present the slides on your behalf, please reach out to your session chair as soon as possible to make this request.
Presentation Platform and Testing:
This year, you will be able to share your screen and run your presentation directly through GoToWebinar. This reduces lag time and allows you to move forward/backward within your slides as needed.
If you have technical difficulties, we will use the slides you sent to us and present them on your behalf. This will be our backup plan, works well, and requires you to simply prompt us to advance slides as needed. Please do send your slides one day prior to your presentation to be sure we have a backup solution in place should you need it.
If you're a Mac user and encounter problems accessing your microphone, sharing your screen, or sharing your camera in GoToWebinar, please visit the following link: Mac Screen sharing setup: https://support.goto.com/webinar/help/why-cant-i-access-the-microphone-share-my-camera-or-share-my-screen-on-my-mac
We are providing practice sessions to test your system and learn about GoToMeeting:
- Friday, May 20 - 10:00-10:30am Mountain Daylight Time (UTC -6)
- Friday, May 20 - 16:00-16:30pm Mountain Daylight Time (UTC -6)
- Monday, May 23 - 10:00-10:30 Mountain Daylight Time (UTC -6)
- Tuesday, May 24 - 10:00-10:30 Mountain Daylight Time (UTC -6)
- Wednesday, May 25 - 10:00-10:30 Mountain Daylight Time (UTC -6)
- Thursday, May 26 - 10:00-10:30 Mountain Daylight Time (UTC -6)
- Friday, May 27 - 10:00-10:30 Mountain Daylight Time (UTC -6)
- Link: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/rt/8124182988816146443
If you cannot make these times, please email gml.gmac@noaa.gov to make other arrangements.
eGMAC Virtual Format
- The eGMAC will be hosted by a combination of GoToWebinar and Google Meet.
- The GMAC website will serve as our meeting home and include the links to the GoToWebinar for each day. The site will also have the links to PDF poster files, to each poster’s individual Google Meet virtual room, and other events including the early career panel, conference happy hour, and open discussion rooms.
- The oral presentations and poster session lightning talks will include all attendees and be presented via GoToWebinar.
- The break/discussion time following the oral session and before moving into the poster session’s lightning talks will be hosted on Google Meet. Oral presenters are highly encouraged to join this discussion time, if available, to answer additional questions and interact with other presenters and attendees.
Additional Presentation Tips:
- Be ready. During the talk immediately before yours, have your presentation open and full screen... i.e. ready to go!
- When prompted, share your Full screen. Do NOT just share the PowerPoint window as you may share the wrong window.
- It is highly recommended that you close all other apps, besides Powerpoint/Acrobat and gotomeeting.
- Close your email, if you have that open, there is a chance we will see it open. Also, if you have email notifications enabled, those might be visible during your presentation.
- We will automatically turn off your screen sharing with ~10-sec remaining in your presentation so we can begin the transition to the next speaker. This is your final cue that it is time to wrap up your last Q&A response. In addition, this will assist the session chairs to help keep our meeting running on time.
This year the eGMAC Organizing Committee and GML Awards Committee will present the Early Career Scientist award for the best in oral or poster presentation. A group of judges will use the following criteria to identify the winner: logical flow of the paper, verbal delivery skills, and preparedness to answer questions.
Early Career Scientist (ECS) is defined as a student, a Ph.D. candidate, or a practicing scientist who received their highest certificate (e.g. BSc, MSc, or Ph.D.) within the past seven years. The seven-year period can be extended to allow for periods when the scientist was not working in science because of, but not limited to, caring and/or parental responsibilities, disability, personal illness, community obligations, or national service.
Please email gml.gmac@noaa.gov if you meet the above criteria and wish to be considered for this award.
The GMAC homepage will be your main launch point for the meeting all week. The full meeting agenda, links (day of only), and other information can be found on the GMAC website at: https://gml.noaa.gov/annualconference/
Please directions questions to gml.gmac@noaa.gov or your session chair, when assigned.